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Biden Border Policy Enabled Smuggling Kids for Kiddie P*rn



We keep hearing about “unaccompanied minors” who cross the border into the United States. 

Ever wonder why they are unaccompanied or what happens to them once they enter the US?

Well, the answers aren’t pretty. 

We’ve already heard about migrant children being drafted into illegal labor, often to pay off cartel smugglers who hold the families essentially hostage. But that isn’t the only or worst thing that happens to them.

“Unaccompanied minor” often means “trafficked,” and despite the outrage that the left exhibits when you mention it that usually means “trafficked for the sex trade.”

A case in point is this story from today. 

Federal prosecutors announced charges Monday against a man they say smuggled in an illegal immigrant child and then produced child pornography with the minor, a case that implicates President Biden’s more relaxed approach to illegal immigrant children.

Authorities say Natividad Aguilera Garcia, 37, smuggled at least three illegal immigrants, including two of them who were juveniles. One, identified in the federal indictment as Minor A, was later used for child pornography.

Mr. Garcia lied to the federal government in claiming he was the child’s uncle and produced a false birth certificate to back up his claim, the indictment charges. The Biden administration’s Office of Refugee Resettlement turned the child over to him based on that bogus relationship.

Prosecutors say Mr. Garcia launched the scheme in May 2021, just as the Biden administration unleashed a flood of illegal immigrant children and reduced the checks being made to vet sponsors trying to gain custody of them.

Who could have guessed that this wouldn’t work out well? 

We are often told how “compassionate” the Biden border policies are, but that is just a smokescreen. These policies have made the cartels rich, with human trafficking profits now rivaling drug revenues. Women and children are raped along the trail of tears the migrants must traverse, and once the migrants arrive, all too many become victims like Minor A. 

For some reason, the Left decided to “debunk” the human trafficking stories because they attribute them to Q Anon conspiracy theorists. First of all, Q-Anon isn’t really much of a thing–a fringe phenomenon, if it is even real. An invention of trolls. 

But secondly, sex trafficking is very real, and quite profitable. 

Under federal law, illegal immigrant children who arrive at the border without a parent are deemed “unaccompanied.” Children from Mexico and Canada can be quickly sent back, but those from further afield are required to be quickly turned over to HHS, which then holds them in custody while it searches for sponsors to take them.

After the country during the Obama administration faced a flood of Unaccompanied Alien Children or UACs, as they’re known in government-speak, the government struggled with the balance between processing them quickly and trying to vet the sponsors who came forward to take them.

The Trump administration erred heavily on the side of safety but the Biden administration, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers it has invited, has swung heavily the other way and pushed children out of custody without the same level of checks.

The amount of time it took to complete the checks and place a UAC went from 102 days under President Trump in 2020 to 35 days in the early months of the Biden administration. It now stands at just 31 days, according to the latest government data.

Biden policies are all about importing as many bodies into the US as possible. We are being subjected to an illegal immigrant crime wave, cities are groaning under the weight of supporting illegal immigrants who show up and get benefits, and children are being exploited. 

None of this matters to the Biden administration. They seem to have a goal of importing 10 or more million illegals before the end of Biden’s first term. 

A friend of mine who served in the Minnesota Legislature used to joke that HHS stood for “Hell and Human Sacrifice,” and the record for achieving the stated goals of all those programs we spend billions of dollars on backs up his assessment. 

In this case HHS was aiding and abetting the creation of child p*rnography. Do you expect that anybody there will pay a price for having done so?

We both know the answer to that. Unfortunately, it is inconceivable that a bureaucrat would have to pay for anything as unimportant as condemning a child to sexaul abuse. 

Read the full article here
