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AYKM? Biden tells the tale of losing his late wife in a car crash to Maui survivors



Joe and Jill Biden took time out from their vacation in Lake Tahoe, Nevada to go and try to comfort Hawaiians who lost everything in the wildfires. Every week seems to be vacation week with the First Couple, though. Biden waited about two weeks to show up after essentially refusing to talk about the wildfires on Maui for at least five days when they began.

Even Democrats began to notice that it’s not a great look when the president says, “No comment” when he is asked for comments on the wildfires burning to the ground a small town like Lahaina. And the 114 lives lost. There are still about 1,000 people unaccounted for. Early estimates are nearly 3,000 homes and buildings burned to the ground or are damaged. The losses are around $6B. It is hard to wrap your head around such death and destruction on a tropical island.

When Biden doesn’t want to make a trip, he says he will go later, in order not to disrupt operations on the ground. That is what he did with East Palestine, Ohio (and he still hasn’t been there) and that is what people began to fear would happen to Lahaina. Why would Biden ignore the town, though, and Maui? Hawaii is Democrat country. Biden is supposed to be the comforter-in-chief for all Americans but we know how this story goes.

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser warned Biden Sunday that his welcome may be less than a warm one from locals because of the slow response from the government. Residents are frustrated and angry that paperwork and red tape are slowing down the assistance they desperately need now.

While on the ground in Lahaina, state Rep. Elle Cochran, (D, Waihee-Lahaina- Lahainaluna), hopes the Biden visit does not cause too much of a disruption for a community in mourning and trying to restore service.

She has not heard anyone tell her “firsthand” that evacuees should not apply for FEMA aid, but said such sentiments follow years of “deep-seated fear.”

“All Hawaiian people since the overthrow have had that mistrust of others coming in,” Cochran said. “… Overall FEMA’s here’s to help.”

Keohokalole wants the president’s visit and message of support to counter online efforts to discourage evacuees from seeking assistance.

“I hope it sends a message to the West Maui community who feel they haven’t been given enough attention that they are a priority and we are trying to get them what they need.”

Some survivors may believe they are not being treated with aloha by FEMA workers sent to Hawaii, McKelvey said.

“There’s a lot of rage, anger, frustration right now, especially toward FEMA,” he said. “I hope he (Biden) promotes a message of healing.”

Native Hawaiians claim that developers are trying to swoop in and take their land while everything is so unsettled.

Biden landed Monday and was joined by Jill, and the director of FEMA, Deanne Criswell. He was met by Hawaii Governor Josh Green and his wife. Biden took an aerial tour in Marine One before walking through Front Street in Lahaina with Green and other elected officials.

At the second stop, Biden met with a long line of first responders. He asked them how many firefighters lost their homes. Biden also met Dexter, a K-9 who helped with the search.

Biden delivered some remarks at a press conference.

“The country grieves with you, stands with you and will help do everything to help you rebuild,” the president said.

Mr. Biden praised the people of Hawaii for showing “Absolute incredible courage” in the face of the state’s worst-ever natural disaster and pointed out the banyan tree.

“Today it is burned but it is still standing. The tree survived for a reason and I believe it is a powerful symbol of what we can and will do to get through this crisis. The whole country is with you… we will rebuild it the way the people of Maui want it built not other people want it built.”

And he added: “Fire cannot reach its roots…That’s Maui, that’s America, and to the people of Hawaii we are with you for as long as it takes, I promise you.”

It seems like a career politician who ended up in the White House after 50 years would have a better speechwriter, doesn’t it?

Biden did as he always does – he made other people’s grief about his own. He launched into the story of his first wife and daughter who were killed in a car crash.

Mr Biden also said that he was no stranger to grief, and recalled the phone call he received after his first wife and young daughter were killed in a car crash.

The president said that it was not until he reached the hospital that he found out that his two sons had survived the fatal accident.

“The difference between knowing if someone is gone or if they are available to come back are two different things, he said.

“I know the feeling that many of the people in this town and community have, this hollow feeling you have in your chest as if you have been sucked into a black hole, will I survive this? I remember.”

It is a tragedy yet Biden tells the story frequently. For years, he lied about the car crash and said the other driver was drunk. The report eventually came out and it was Biden’s wife who lost control of her car. Anyway around it, it’s a sad story but Biden seems to use it in political speeches for his benefit. In this case, he was trying to make amends with Hawaiians angry that he looked like he had been ignoring their disaster.

It will take a lot of time and resources to rebuild what was lost. So far, the federal government has provided more than 50,000 meals, 5,000 cots, 10,000 blankets, and $7M in short-term aid. an early estimate puts the cost of rebuilding at $5.5B.

Meanwhile, Biden’s day trip to Maui ended with his return to Nevada and his regularly scheduled vacation.

Read the full article here
