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AOC Loses It When Protesters Accuse Her of Being Insufficiently Antisemitic



The pro-Hamas protests are getting ugly, and we’re not just talking about the ones taking place on America’s university campuses. Small groups of protesters are spilling out into the streets and hunting down politicians who allegedly aren’t doing enough to stop the “genocide” in Gaza. One of the last politicians you might expect to see them going after is Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, yet that’s precisely what happened yesterday. AOC was out with her boyfriend to catch a movie in Brooklyn when a deranged group of protesters showed up and shoved cameras in her face while demanding that she call Israel’s counteroffensive in Gaza a genocide. In response, AOC dropped some f-bombs and stormed away. (NY Post)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lashed out at protesters at a Brooklyn movie theater who demanded the lefty lawmaker call Israel’s military campaign in Gaza a “genocide,” which she claimed she’d already done, video of the confrontation shows.

Ocasio-Cortez was with her fiancé Riley Roberts when she lost her cool and dropped an f-bomb as a couple of protesters badgered her at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema around 5 p.m. Monday.

The protesters complained that Ocasio-Cortez, 34, hasn’t publicly called Israel’s bombing of the Palestinian territory a “genocide” as they accosted her inside the downtown Brooklyn theater, according to the footage.

I was frankly surprised to learn that AOC hadn’t yet called Israel’s war against Hamas a genocide. She’s said pretty much everything short of that and the rest of the Squad hasn’t been shy about using “the G-word.” But during her latest appearance on Meet the Press, she was asked if the expression was appropriate. She said that the question was “still being investigated,” but went on to criticize Israel even further.

What’s more interesting about the confrontation at the movie theater is the response from AOC. She was genuinely upset that anyone would dare to approach her in public and criticize her. She told one of the protesters that she needed them to understand that their actions were “not ok.” She then accused them of lying and claimed (falsely) that  she had “already said it.” Then she and her boyfriend fled the scene.

AOC is acting all put-upon here as if the idea that citizens might approach her in a public place and hurl accusations at her is simply beyond the pale. But she and her progressive colleagues were the ones who trained these people to behave in this fashion. During the Trump administration, Democrats were cheering for and praising people who chased down members of the administration at restaurants and theaters, disrupting their meals and private time with their families. They actively encouraged the public to treat conservatives like pariahs who should not be allowed to go out in public. They also perfected the art of having gangs show up at the homes of public figures to protest and disrupt their lives.

It’s not so much fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it, AOC? While I don’t agree with their actions, I would just like to point out that your supporters are unhinged and they are behaving the way you wanted them to behave. Ironically, they are coming after you despite the fact that you are already one of the most antisemitic members of Congress. But in this case, you’re still not antisemitic enough for the mob so they’re going to try to force you to pay a price for that. 

This is the lunatic fringe we’re dealing with here. Now AOC, Joe Biden, and other Democrats are getting a taste of their own medicine. Sadly, this is the new normal in public protesting and it’s unlikely that this particular genie will be going back into the bottle.

Read the full article here
