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‘Anonymous’ Miles Taylor Says ‘Trump Can Beat Biden’



Former Trump administration DHS official Miles Taylor, the anonymous author of a New York Times op-ed piece in 2018 criticizing President Donald Trump and a subsequent book repeating his takedown, is back.

He used an interview published Tuesday in The Guardian newspaper to declare “Trump can beat Biden” in the 2024 race for the White House.

The 35-year-old’s exchange with the outlet’s David Smith was the vehicle for him to make his forecast. He said:

There’s been a number of polls that show the ex-president beating Joe Biden by several points. It would be hubris to say, ‘Oh, no, we would beat him again a second time.’

Actually, I don’t think that. If the election was held today, I think Donald Trump would defeat Joe Biden, and that really concerns me.

Taylor went on to say the only way to challenge Trump supremacy is for his opponents to form a coalition with, “moderate Republicans, perhaps even with the former congresswoman Liz Cheney replacing Kamala Harris as Biden’s running mate.” He continued:

 The single best jump to beat Trump is a unity coalition that Biden would undertake to form. He talked a lot about bringing Republicans into his administration in the first term. Not a whole lot came in. He needs to bring someone to the top of the ticket to show he would govern for the first time in American history as a unity president with a unity administration.

That’s maybe his only shot to decisively beat Donald Trump.

As Breitbart News reported, Taylor, chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Kirstjen Nielsen, revealed in 2020 he was the anonymous “senior” White House official who authored a critical op-ed of President Donald Trump.

The 2018 op-ed published by the New York Times described President Trump as “impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective” and said he was just one of many officials in the administration working against the president.

Taylor ultimately resigned from the administration and took a job with Google before taking leave to publicly endorse former Vice President Joe Biden for president and campaign against Trump.

He was also signed as a CNN contributor and has now published a new book containing warnings of a Trump resurgence.

Breitbart News first reported on Taylor’s opposition to the president’s agenda in May 2019.

Read the full interview in The Guardian here

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