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Ain’t Reform Great? When the Bodies Hit the Floor…You Won’t Need Bail Money If You’re in New York



Being a ghoul by nature and a horrified but fascinated spectator to the ongoing trainwreck that is our nation’s largest city, I could not – repeat, could not – resist this story.

I know most of us here have talked a time or two about the “bail reform” experiments all of the Democrats running the big cities (and, to a certain extent, the states – witness Pritzker in Illinois, NY’s Hochul) have been indulging themselves in and subjecting their citizens to.

For instance, just yesterday, my esteemed colleague David wrote about NY’s own governor, long a champion of bail reform, unleashing the National Guard on New York City’s subway system thanks to the utter failure of her reforms to inhibit the criminal elements in the city from preying on people just trying to ride the subway. 

And I do mean “unleashed.”

…You do have to give her credit. When she reverses course, she goes all out. Deploying the National Guard and surging the State Patrol into the subways is a big move, although it sounds rather dystopian. They won’t just be making their presence felt; they will search subway riders for weapons. 

That all sounds very tough-as-nails as if she wanted to send a message, but it’s truly theater of the absurd. They can frisk the errant, homicidal children and cart the ravening, venom-spewing, spittle-flecked lunatics off the platforms to their hearts’ content. But if any of them should take a swing at a 19-year-old weekend warrior from Schenectady, they’ll still be bundled up, trucked to the station and released.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


Pooping on a PFC from Poughkeepsie doesn’t qualify for bail (Sorry, Gomer). It now takes a whole lot more serious type of infraction to get yourself actually thrown in the hoosgow where it costs money to get sprung.

After reading about this particular crime though, could I tell you WHAT constitutes “bad enough” that you have to dial a bail bondsman to get out of jail in NY state?

Oh, hay-yull, no.

Check this out.

It all started about a week ago with grim discoveries at a Suffolk County pond in Babylon Park.

…Police found two arms belonging to a man on the east side of the park. On the west side of the park near Beverly Road, police uncovered an arm, a severed head and pieces of the right and left legs belonging to a woman.

The search began Thursday after a left arm was found in the woods along Siegel Boulevard around 8:41 a.m. It was found by a high school student on her way to school. The student called her father, who called the police.

…Police say it appears that the human remains are recent.


And OMG, that poor kid!

The neighbors are somewhat unsettled by the assorted finds.

…“I feel like this is the safest place in the world,” Theresa DelGaizo said. “And now it’s not.”

Police, bless their hearts, worked diligently this week to identify the victims and managed to do so pretty quickly. 

Amazingly enough, they also managed to track down and arrest four suspects who, under any other circumstances, would have a hard time ‘splainin’ themselves, but plenty of time in jail to work up a story.

However, this is progressive “Bail Reform Land” where they don’t let piddling things like a few bloody meat cleavers or butcher knives stand between probable perps and the station exit doors.

…Police say they have charged Steven Brown, 44, of Amityville, Jeffrey Mackey, 38, of Amityville, Amanda Wallace, 40, of Amityville, and Alexis Nieves, 33, who is homeless, with hindering prosecution, tampering with physical evidence and concealment of a human corpse.

…The prosecution said there is extensive evidence in the case and that some of the items recovered were meat cleavers, butcher knives and significant blood evidence.

The homeless Nieves person was released on supervised GPS monitoring. The others?

…Wallace was arraigned on the same charges. The prosecution says she went through lengths to conceal crimes that occurred relating to the body parts of the two victims. Wallace is being released with GPS monitoring and is due back in court on March 11.

Brown and Mackey were also arraigned on the same charges and are being released with GPS monitoring.

Wait a minute here. Slow down so I can count. Four alleged perps were arrested with dismemberment instruments and on body part concealment, hindering prosecution, etc. charges, and 1…2…3..yup.

All four are out the door.

Huh. Bet the neighbors are THRILLED.

One person who is not is the Suffolk County DA. One line of his statement would be as hilarious as a line from a Monty Python sketch if it weren’t so deadly serious.

…Suffolk DA Raymond Tierny released a statement on the release of the two suspects that said, “It is our understanding that the Suffolk County Police Department is still investigating these murders. Unfortunately, due to ‘Bail Reform’ passed by the New York State Legislature in 2019, charges relating to the mutilation and disposal of murdered corpses are no longer bail-eligible, meaning my prosecutors cannot ask for bail…”


Prosecutors can’t hold the body parts guys – who might just be the murderers but investigators haven’t gotten that far yet – because distribution of MURDERED and DISMEMBERED body parts doesn’t rate bail.

Holy what-was-the-legislature-smoking smokes!

Oh, I’ll bet the neighbors are THRILLED the more they learn about “bail reform.”

Democrats and their marvelous policies are the best advertisement to either move or vote red.

Read the full article here
