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A second look at Doug Burgum?



North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum did something that other GOP candidates in the primary are not doing – he refused to be dragged into the Trump indictment drama that consumes the media. He was interviewed by former Clinton staffer and current host of ABC’s This Week, George Stephanopoulos. His fellow competitors should have been taking notes.

Stephanopoulos devoted a segment before the interview with Burgum to Trump’s latest indictment and rehashing January 6, 2021. The segment included a panel discussion focused on the bad Orange Man. You know, like every other “news” show on legacy media and cable networks. When Burgum came on, he switched things up. He refused to answer a question from Stephanopoulos about Trump pressuring Mike Pence about the election certification.

Instead of talking about Trump’s indictments or Mike Pence’s actions on January 6, 2021, Burgum asked why George didn’t talk about the Hunter Pence investigation in his previous segment, along with the Trump investigations. He refused to get involved in the drama.

Burgum replied in frustration that he had just “listened to 15 minutes of legal debate on this thing and I’m sure you could run it again 7/24. But what I know is that I’m running against Joe Biden and that’s what we’re going to be talking about.”

“Of course, not a mention in the last 15 minutes of, you know, Hunter Biden or the laptop,” Burgum observed. “There are people on the ground that are not watching these Sunday programs that are saying, you know, why is the DOJ defending Hunter Biden and why are they attacking President Trump?”

Burgum brought up a common observation about the Trump and Biden investigations – why does Trump get multiple indictments and Hunter gets a sweetheart plea deal? Why are news networks focusing on the former president every news cycle and not the current president? Biden is now implicated in some of the Biden crime family corruption that has been an open secret in Washington, D.C. for years. Where is the curiosity from the Sunday morning political shows about all that has come out that may show that Joe Biden is a compromised president?

We know why. Democrats are providing cover for Biden’s re-election campaign. Joe Biden is a puppet, his administration is the third term of Barack Obama.

Burgum rightly pointed out that most Americans no longer trust the media because the political bias is obvious. They no longer even try to pretend to be fair and non-biased in reporting on both Democrats and Republicans. You can take it to the bank that Republicans will be portrayed as the bad people in any discussion. It’s why Trump is able to hold on to his most loyal supporters. Trump called out the press for four years and regular Americans appreciated his honesty.

George was clearly irritated that Burgum wouldn’t play ball. Burgum was there to talk about his campaign in the Republican primary and the partisan host kept trying to get Burgum to answer questions about Trump. “I’m asking you what you think. Do you have an opinion on the fact that President Trump tried to overturn the election as alleged in the indictment this week by special prosecutor Smith?”

Take note, Republican candidates. Burgum ignored Georgie’s little snit. He pointed out that Biden and other Democrats talk about Trump constantly to distract from the serious issues of the day. Bingo. He noted that China loves the fact that Americans are so deeply divided and dwelling on the past.

Burgum has more to run on besides whining about what Trump did or didn’t do. He is focused on talking about his ideas. And he knows that messaging is important in politics. Voters want to move ahead. They want to know what a candidate will do in office. What are they going to do for them to make their lives better?

Burgum is a successful governor. He’s an entrepreneur and a self-made billionaire. He knows how to get things done. Governors make good presidents because of their varied experience in office. Burgum is telling the media to forget the noise and focus on what is happening now. He may not be a top-tier candidate right now but he should continue to do more interviews and continue on with his message. He’s not likely to be the Republican nominee but he could be an important member of the next Republican administration. I could see him as a cabinet member, if that interests him.

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Read the full article here
