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A second bus of illegal aliens arrived in Los Angeles Saturday from Texas … awaiting Newsom’s meltdown



It’s a long holiday weekend so Governor Newsom may be a little late in responding to the arrival of a bus filled with illegal aliens arriving in Los Angeles Saturday. You know he will, though. He’s running for president and he won’t be silenced.

California is a sanctuary state. Los Angeles is a sanctuary city. What’s the big deal if 40 illegal aliens get off a bus in Los Angeles and will need its hospitality? It’s not a big deal but the arrival of the bus filled with migrants is a statement. Governor Abbott is sending migrant buses to sanctuary cities across the country because their mayors have made a point of declaring the cities as sanctuary cities. They do it to virtue-signal elected officials who govern with law and order policies. These are blue cities, led by Democrats, who can pick up the phone and talk to the president or the DHS secretary anytime. Abbott knows that if they bring attention to the Biden border crisis by crying that a red state border governor is sending migrants to their cities, both Abbott and the mayors make headlines. There is no use in pretending that the Biden border crisis is not a politically-driven problem.

Meanwhile, Texas is still overwhelmed with Biden’s border crisis, more than three years in. DHS does not provide the number of personnel needed to secure the border and, at the same time, process those who are apprehended. Border communities are usually small towns or cities that do not have the financial resources or infrastructure to handle the thousands of illegal migrants flooding in each week, or month. Medical facilities are overwhelmed. Law enforcement is stretched thin. Immigration is a federal responsibility, yet Texas has been left on its own to handle it. Billions of dollars from Texas taxpayers have been spent to provide services necessary for those illegally entering the country. The president and the vice president (the border czar) don’t even pretend to care. Neither bother to visit the border to see the problems up close and personal. So, Abbott is letting sanctuary cities help.

According to a spokesperson for L.A. Mayor Karen Bass, the Mayor’s Office learned of the bus’ destination yesterday, and they quickly mobilized a welcome committee made up of city and county workers alongside a coalition of nonprofit organizations and faith partners.

A majority of the migrants were being reunited with family members or sponsors in Saturday. Those arriving spent the afternoon inside St. Anthony’s Church resting while medical checkups and guidance on legal resources were being offered. Children received toys and blankets.

Caseworkers from The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHRLA) also met with each family to gain an understanding of their personal situations.

“The city of Los Angeles believes in treating everyone with respect and dignity and that’s what we are going to do today,” said Zach Seidl, a spokesperson for Mayor Bass.

“Here in this parish is a place of safety and a place of welcome for all immigrants,” said Father Arturo Corral, Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

City and county officials admit that the arrival of migrant buses is not a surprise and they have been preparing for them since the fall of 2022. That is certainly a lot more lead time than border communities get. As you see, L.A. has a welcoming committee for them and nonprofits reunite the illegal aliens with family members or sponsors. They want to go to these cities. They receive free transportation.

“Texas’ small border towns remain overwhelmed and overrun by the thousands of people illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico,” said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in a press release. “Los Angeles is a major city that migrants seek to go to, particularly now that its city leaders approved its sanctuary city status.”

Governor Newsom had a hissy fit when Ron DeSantis flew some migrants to Sacramento. Newsom has an unhealthy obsession with Governor DeSantis – maybe because DeSantis has been so successful in Florida and Newson, not so much. California residents are fleeing the state at an alarming rate while Florida is the beneficiary of disgruntled blue state residents. People are flocking to Florida. And Texas.

One group released a statement. Happy talk all around, especially from those benefitting from the Biden border crisis, like the non-profits who serve them.

In a statement, the L.A. Welcomes Collective said that “Regardless of origin, transportation method or intent, the focus of the L.A. Welcomes Collective this Fourth of July weekend is to receive migrants with dignity and respect and in coordination with partners.”

Moving forward, L.A. city officials and its faith-based partners said they’re ready and prepared to accept future arrivals of migrants and asylum seekers.

“They are coming to Los Angeles to work, to contribute, to pay taxes but also to create economic opportunities for others as well,” said a CHRLA spokesperson. “Just the way that every other single immigrant has done that has made this city a city in which we are proud to call ourselves Angelenos.”

Sanctuary cities are receiving groups of 40 or so illegal aliens on migrant buses or flights. That is not even a drop in the bucket of the numbers Texas and Arizona receive every week. Cry harder, sanctuary city hypocrites.

Read the full article here
