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2nd IRS whistleblower drops even more truth bombs



I am hoping Ed does a deep dive into the actual testimony before the committee, so I am just going to focus on his opening statement that was released prior to his appearance. There will definitely be more to cover, but I think an overview of his take, not just the bombshells, is worth a look.

So maybe my headline promises more tidbits than I can deliver, but bear with me. I really do believe that it is important to view the sound bites in context.

Others have pointed out that this whistleblower’s testimony should be seen as more credible because he acknowledges that he is a gay Democrat with no axe to grind. The agent properly responds: it shouldn’t matter in the least. Either he is telling the truth because he wants to do the right thing, or not. I wholeheartedly agree.

It can’t be emphasized enough that becoming a whistleblower is often a sure way to ruin your career and perhaps your life. The costs of doing so are immense, and even the people who benefit from your revelations often toss you away after the hoopla dies down. This isn’t always the case, but that often depends upon how pleasing your revelations are to the Establishment. Julian Assange or Edward Snowden will and have paid an enormous price, and for the life of me, I still don’t understand what the charges against Assange should be. He served the purpose of a journalist, doing no more or less than the New York Times does every week of the year.

Piss off the wrong people and kiss your butt goodbye. I would never encourage a friend to be a whistleblower. Sounds terrible, but in some ways, it is like testifying against the mob, only without the US Marshals to hide you afterward.

Hats off to these guys. They have more courage than I would. At least I think so, having never faced the choice. They are like the soldiers who charged with the Light Brigade.

The testimony itself is damning and leaves no question about whether the investigation was politicized. We all, including the MSM, know that to be true and have all along. No amount of self-delusion or propaganda can hide the fact that nobody but a favored figure could have escaped justice given the magnitude of the charges, and as Whistleblower X points out, many of the crimes were committed when Hunter Biden was sober, not addicted to crack. He consciously lied and got away with it.

One of the most fascinating and underreported aspects of this case is that is demonstrates that despite all the storm and strife about Donald Trump’s willingness to abuse his power as president, he never actually did so. He never interfered in the case, didn’t push the Justice Department to charge Biden, and actually suffered the Justice Department’s Jihad against him without striking back using his power. He shouted a lot but never used the awesome power of the presidency to distort the process.

We can’t say the same thing about the Biden Administration, which routinely abuses powers for its own ends. Just WHO is the threat to democracy?

This brings up another point: this is ultimately about whether we are ruled by laws and not by men. We all know the answer and by now half the country is infuriated by the fact that the system is rigged against us.

It should be 100%, to be honest. A rigged system is a system that cannot last. And doesn’t deserve to.

One of the reasons so many people are attached to Donald Trump is that they know he was the target of so many smears and so much tyrannical machinations. Many people who personally dislike Trump also believe he took the slings and arrows that were directed at us all, and like Patton deserves defense despite his own manifest flaws as a human being.

Personally, I don’t think that is a reason to make him president again, but I understand the sense of loyalty. He may be an arsehole, but he is our arsehole.

Of course, many Democrats who are uncomfortable with Biden and his policies feel the same in the inverse–they fear Trump will abuse his power and try to get revenge. They may know Biden is scum, but they also know they have a lot to fear. I doubt Trump would or could use his power corruptly against his political opponents–ask Hillary Clinton how life in jail has been for her–but the fear is legitimate if likely unwarranted.

Somehow we need to find a way to agree about preserving the fairness of the process and respecting the Constitutional limits of government. I am not certain that this is possible now, and I personally blame Democrats for most of the reasons why. But even if you disagree with that assessment, we should agree in principle that this is necessary. We should also agree in principle that few people believe the system isn’t rigged.

It is rigged. And Joe Biden is rubbing it in our faces by continuously reminding us that this is so. How many times have you seen Joe flaunting his son shamelessly, traveling with him, inviting him to state dinners, and basically parading him around as proof that any Biden can get away with anything?

That isn’t a father’s love. It is a screw you to every Republican.

I fear the result of the whistleblower testimony will be a collective shrug by the Democrats. Many of them, too, believe that might makes right and that power is its own reward.

But some politicians still have integrity, I believe. The real question is whether they have any courage to become, essentially, whistleblowers themselves.

The emperor has no clothes. Somebody on the Democrat side has to say it out loud. They all know it.

This gets me to my weekly pitch: there are few places besides Hot Air that give you the kind of in-depth analysis of the ideas behind what is being forced on us. The MSM makes everything the Left does benign, and everything we do to preserve Western civilization malign. We count on your support to keep up our work. I am asking you to help us by subscribing to our VIP program. It’s not like Target and Bud Light are anxious to keep us in business, so we count on you to support our work. If you subscribe using the code SAVEAMERICA you will get a hefty 40% off the price of your subscription. Personally, I would do VIP Gold because it gives you access to all the VIP content from Townhall, but you be you. Go annual, too, because it is cheaper in the long run.

Read the full article here
