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Whistleblower: Hunter Biden Avoided Paying Millions in Taxes from Ukrainian Deals Through Shady Foreign Scheme



House Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith (R-MO) on Thursday detailed MULTIPLE felony charges that whistleblowers said the IRS recommended against Hunter Biden.

The investigation into Hunter Biden opened in November 2018 as an off-shoot of a separate, corporate investigation by the IRS.

Rep. Smith said, “The investigation was in the ordinary course of work at the IRS. It was not ordered by any individual, any chairman or any political entity.”

The IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden that included:

  • Attempt to evade or defeat tax – A FELONY
  • Fraud or false statements – A FELONY
  • Willful failure to file returns, supply information or pay tax

“These tax crimes cover an estimated $2.2 million in unreported tax on global income…from Ukraine, Romania, and China, totaling $17.3 million from 2014 to 2019.”

He added, “Mr. Biden personally received $8.3 million.”


Rather than charging Hunter Biden with felonies for evading taxes and providing false statements to the feds, Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ gave him a sweetheart deal. Hunter Biden was hit with two misdemeanors related to unpaid taxes from 2017 and 2018.

On Tuesday Trending Politics released new information on how Hunter Biden evaded millions in taxes through a shady foreign scheme.

In the House Ways and Means Committee’s revealed testimony of Hunter Biden’s business dealings, the second whistleblower, an anonymous lead IRS case agent, detailed the intricate tax evasion plot allegedly involving Hunter Biden.

According to the whistleblower, Hunter intentionally avoided paying millions in taxes. The complex scheme reportedly included the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, where Hunter was a board member, and an associate from a Chinese business​.

In 2014, when Joe Biden was serving his second term as vice president in charge of Ukraine policy, the Ukrainian natural gas company put Hunter Biden on its board of directors. The whistleblower stated that Hunter Biden received $666,667 from Burisma for little or no work, and instead of reporting it as income and paying taxes on it, he put the money into a Chinese firm run by one of his associates. The associate then “loaned” the money back to Hunter Biden.

You can read the rest here.

This is another way the Biden Crime Family cheated the IRS and hid their illicit illegal foreign dealings. And they are likely to get away with it – Unless Republicans grow a pair and begin impeachment proceedings immediately.

Here is the transcript of the whistleblower on Hunter Biden’s tax evasion.

House Ways and Means Whistl… by Jim Hoft

Read the full article here
