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WATCH: Florida Police Take Care of Business After Pro-Hamas Agitators Try to Block a Road in Miami



Credit: @BryanDGriffin

Police across the country could learn a few lessons regarding how Florida takes care of pro-Hamas protesters who disrupt the daily lives of residents.

As WSVN reported, several of the losers were manhandled, dragged, and then arrested by Miami Police in riot gear and on horseback as they attempted to block the entrance to Port Miami. The incident occurred at roughly 1 PM on Monday.

The local police were joined by state troopers and armored vehicles in the process according to the outlet.

Bryan Griffin, the communications director for Governor Ron DeSantis, shared a clip of the Miami police taking out the trash. At the same time, other cities like Chicago and San Francisco coddled the protesters instead.


Compare this epic reaction by the cops to what’s going on along the Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco Police STILL have not done anything despite the protests dragging on for hours.

Like their fellowcomrades across the country, the protesters in Miami want the U.S. government to stop sending Israel weapons to defend themselves against Hamas and cut off aid to the Jewish State completely.

Here’s what one protester told WSVN:

“After October 7, they have given more tax dollars, what we’re saying is that money could better be used to address the housing crisis in the US, the public education issue, the lack of accessible food and affordable housing, and better transportation,” whined protester Libra Sankara.

If every state were like Florida when dealing with unlawful protests, leftist clowns would think twice before attempting these publicity stunts.

Read the full article here
