US Kids May Soon Be Banned from Playing Tackle Football by Same State That Encourages Permanent Pediatric Gender Procedures

A state that allows pre-teens to take dangerous transgender chemical therapies, undergo permanently disfiguring “gender affirming” surgeries, and lets them choose abortions without parental consent is now looking to “safeguard” kids by banning them from playing tackle football.
The extreme, left-wing California state legislature that is dominated by woke Democrats is once again looking to ban football for kids, despite several past failures to pass such legislation.
The youth tackle football ban (Assembly Bill 734) would ban any child under the age of 12 from joining a tackle football team in schools or private leagues.
According to KCRA-TV, this is the third time that Democrat Assemblyman Kevin McCarty of Sacramento has introduced the bill after two failures. Similar bills introduced in Illinois and New York to ban youth football have also failed to pass.
McCarthy claims there are plenty of other sports for kids but his ban will “save lives.” So, his ban should be a no-brainer.
“There are certain things that just aren’t safe for younger people,” McCarty, a Democrat, told KCRA. “Banging your brains around for little kids just isn’t safe.
“It’s a high school sport. It’s going to be an Olympic sport. There is no way you can do a safe sport of 9, 10 11-year-olds,” McCarty insisted of his effort to save kids from themselves.
Opponents of the bill, though, say they have fought off this ban several times and will keep fighting to defeat it.
“We have had to fight it all three times, and I can tell you we will fight it again,” Jay Erhart, commissioner for Sacramento Youth Football, told the media.
Erhart added that his league has already instituted rules for less contact for younger players and mandated better safety equipment.
“With over 9,000 kids last year, we had less than 20 kids that went into return-to-play protocol for concussions,” he explained.
Erhart blasted the bill for eliminating opportunities for young people as well as taking away the many life lessons that the sport teaches them.
“It’s going to just disenfranchise kids,” Erhart insisted. “Those kids in our most needed communities, inner city, our rural communities are going to miss out on a lot, a lot of life lessons as well.”
Football has been a declining sport in California for almost a decade, dropping 18 percent in participation between 2015 and 2022, but seeing a 5 percent jump in 2023. There are about 89,178 youths now playing tackle football in the state, according to the Associated Press.
Parent Ashley Bertram — whose three sons all 14 and younger, play tackle football — blasted the bill, saying, “In the state of California, I get to choose whether my child lives or dies in my womb. But I can’t decide what sport he plays?”
Thus far, AB 734 jumped its first hurdle toward becoming law by earning a 5-2 vote in committee to let the bill go to the assembly for a vote. The bill has until the end of this month to pass or it will not survive this session.
Meanwhile, California seems less concerned about the safety of children targeted by woke schools, Munchausen-besotted parents and greedy doctors and hospitals to put them through dangerous and permanently scarring transgender procedures.
Parents may end up being barred from allowing their kids to choose to play football, but they are already legally barred from having a say in their children’s confused desires to transgender themselves.
In the end, California legislators are not much interested in safeguarding the health of kids, and they are especially not interested in the rights of parents. All they are really interested in is wielding the power to control everyone’s daily lives.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
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