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Trump Calls For Election Of School Principals, Says ‘Parents Should Be Able To Fire Them’ and ‘Expel the Communists’ (VIDEO)



Former president and current 2024 frontrunner for the Republican presidential election, Donald Trump, has once again called for principals to be elected so parents can fire them.

Trump discussed his position on the issue during a Saturday speech at the Faith & Freedom Coalition convention in Georgia.

“Another top priority will be to expel the communists and these terrible people that have taken over our education system,” Trump said. “I will immediately signed a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children.”

Trump continued, “I always say this. Can you believe this? Can you imagine saying this 10 or 15 years ago? I will fight for parents’ rights. Of course you fight. Today I have to say, I have to make it — I will fight for parents’ rights. of course you fight for parents’ rights. Who would ever think you have to say that as a politician or as a person at a microphone?”

The candidate said that he will fight for school choice and give parents more control by making the principal an elected position.

Trump said that this includes “the right to send your child to the public, private charter, or religious school of your choice. At the same time, I refuse to abandon our public school system to these lunatics because what’s happening there is terrible. That’s why I will fight for the direct election of school principals by the parents, the parents of the school. If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to fire them immediately and select someone who will.”

“I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or masked mandate from kindergarten to college,” Trump said.

Trump also promised to keep men out of women’s sports.

“And something else I find hard to believe that I have to even say,” Trump said. “It’s so ridiculous. It’s so horrible and so ridiculous. I will keep men out of women’s sports. And I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. Prohibited. And on day one I will reinstate the Trump ban on transgenders in the military. Because a warrior should be focused on crushing American enenies, on being strong, on having the image of being strong. They have to be powerful. They have to be strong, especially when you see what’s happening in the world today, not catering to radical gender ideology.”

Trump discussed his plan to hold elections for principals in a campaign video back in January as well.

“More than anyone else, parents know what their children need,” Trump said in the video. “If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to vote to fire them and select someone who will. This will be the ultimate form of local control.”

Trump listed several other ideas for education reform in the video, including abolishing tenure for public school teachers.

“When I’m president, we will put parents back in charge and give them the final say,” Trump said. “We will give our kids the high-quality, pro-American education they deserve.”

Trump also vowed to cut funding for “any school or program pushing critical race theory, gender ideology or other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto our children” and create a parents’ bill of rights that includes school choice and “curriculum transparency.”

Trump Says Parents Should Get to Elect School Principals (VIDEO)

The 2024 Republican presidential candidate also said that he will direct federal agencies to “open civil rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination. That includes discrimination against Asian Americans.”

Trump additionally promised to “create a new credentialing body that will be the gold standard anywhere in the world to certify teachers who embrace patriotic values support our way of life and understand that their job is not to indoctrinate children”

Read the full article here
