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REPORT: Joe Biden Wants to Build Housing for Illegal Immigrants at the Border



Joe Biden recently asked Congress for $40 billion dollars in the form of an emergency funding package.

Part of this funding would apparently go towards building housing for illegal immigrants at the border so that they have a place to live while they are being processed.

We have thousands of homeless veterans in this country and Biden wants to use tax dollars to build housing for people entering the country illegally.

The Daily Wire reports:

Biden Wants To Build Housing For Illegal Immigrants At Border: Report

President Joe Biden is reportedly asking Congress to approve a housing program for illegal immigrants at the southern border as part of his $40 billion emergency funding request.

Biden’s plan would provide housing for illegal immigrants where they could come and go as they please while the Department of Homeland Security puts them through an expedited process, Axios reported. Officials told the outlet that funding for the housing program — if approved by Congress — would allow the government to get the illegal immigrants through the legal process within three weeks.

The Biden administration claims a housing program will allow the federal government to keep track of illegal immigrants without placing them in a detention facility and would take some of the burden off overrun migrant shelters near the border. After the administration stopped holding illegal immigrants in detention facilities in 2021, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) expanded its use of GPS monitoring and phone calls to check in with illegal immigrants who are seeking asylum after being let go inside the U.S.

This is outrageous.

Not a penny of that money should be spent building housing for illegal border crossers as long as we still have homeless American veterans.

Read the full article here
