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Radical Leftists and Pro-Gaza Activists Shut Down Congressional Hearing on Anti-Semitism on College Campus – Screaming ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘End the Occupation’ (VIDEO)



The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Tuesday discussing the status of free speech on college and university campuses in the United States.

The hearing will also examine the rise in antisemitism, anti-Israel sentiment, and violence toward Jews on campus, including an incident at Cornell University in October that saw a student charged with threatening to kill Jewish students at the school.

The witnesses at today’s House hearing include:

** Jasmyn Jordan, current student, University of Iowa; chairwoman, Iowa Young Americans for Freedom
** Amanda Silberstein, current student, Cornell University; board member, Chabad Cornell
** Kenneth Marcus, founder and chairman, Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law; Distinguished Senior Fellow, Center for Liberty & Law at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School
** Connor Ogrydziak, recent graduate, University of Buffalo; former chairman, University of Buffalo Young Americans for Freedom
** Pamela Nadell, Professor and Director, Jewish Studies Program, American University
** Stacy Burdett, Vice President, Government Relations, Advocacy and Community Engagement, Anti-Defamation League

During the hearing pro-Palestinian activists in the audience repeatedly interrupted the shut down the congressional testimony.

Protesters were dragged from the room after intimidating the witnesses and interrupting the hearing.
It was endless.

The protesters were screaming “end the occupation.” Gaza is not occupied by Israel. There are no Jews living there. They were cleared out in 2005.

For the record these leftists are allowed to shut down congressional hearings without fear of jail time by the government.

Unlike the J6 crowd.


This Palestinian supporter shut down the House Hearing on anti-Semitism on college campuses – harassing the Jewish students in the room. He was removed from court and released. The grandma on the right was stalked and arrested by the FBI, jailed and ruined by the Biden regime for walking in the US Capitol on Jan. 6 with a flag. Only one of these protesters is considered a criminal by the fake news.

Read the full article here
