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‘Not My King’ Chants from Protesters as King Charles visits Scotland



In Britain, we are ten months into the reign of King Charles. He became King automatically on the death of his Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who was the longest reigning monarch in British History. While the Queen was held in high regard by the vast majority of the British people, the media and the world at large, the situation with King Charles is altogether different. We are seeing frustrations and voices of opposition to Charles which would never have been seen under Queen Elizabeth II.

This week we saw that voice of discontent once again shown to the world. Anti monarchists gathered and many lined the route holding yellow boards that read “Not my King”. Such opposition to the monarch would have been unthinkable during Queen Elizabeth’s time but times have changed and there is little love from the public for the new king. Why is this?

Princess Diana. The public still hold anger against Charles for how he treated Princess Diana. Their wedding took place in 1981 in St Pauls Cathedral in London. You could not find a grander backdrop for a wedding! St Pauls also holds a dear place in the hearts of the British as it was a symbol of defiance against the Nazi’s during the dark days of the blitz when German bombers tried to flatten London over eight months in 1940 and 1941. Charles never wanted to marry Diana and the marriage was rocky from the beginning with Charles caring more for Camilla (who is now Queen). Charles and Camila started an affair 5 years into the marriage. Charles and Diana separated in 1992 and divorced in 1996. Of course there is also concern that Diana’s death was not an accident but that is a completely different subject for another time.

Too outspoken. Charles has always been outspoken with his views in contrast to Queen Elizabeth who never expressed her views publicly. In fact she never even gave an interview. Charles has regularly given his views on many subjects especially on the environment and his push towards net zero. His many letter to newspapers make him seem more like an interfering busybody.

Political Interference. Eight years ago, 27 letters (known as the black spider memos) were published after a ten year legal battle to keep them suppressed. They show the depth of Charles lobbying of the government at the highest level. He wrote to the then Prime Minister Tony Blair demanding a wide range of things including better equipment for troops to the availability to alternative herbal medicines. This level of interference by a monarch is simply not the way in Britain. A constitutional monarch should be above this and never involved in government policy.

William and Kate. The public favour William and Kate. In fact in some surveys over the last ten years, half of the public thought that Charles would simply pass the throne to William. This of course would not happen but it shows the general dislike of Charles who is seen as distant and too opinionated. William and Kate have never been involved in scandals and they never put a foot wrong.

Grumpy Charles. Charles is seen as petulant and uncaring. Some of his private rants and tantrums have become public and, you may remember him uttering the words “Oh god I hate this (pen)!” I can’t bear this bloody thing … every stinking time!” while signing a condolences book in Belfast Castle. He is perceived as grumpy and prickly and self absolved. The polar opposite of his Mother.

Short reign. He will only have a short reign. Elizabeth became Queen at 25. Charles became King at 73 which makes him the oldest monarch ever to take the throne. Obviously his time on the throne will not be long and longevity provides stability.

Aloof. Charles is seen as aloof and a snob. This is in sharp contrast to Princess Diana who was such a people person and showed warmth and empathy which Charles completely lacks. Queen Elizabeth also had a special way with the public and was able to put anyone at ease and made them feel special and cared for and important. Perception is everything.

WEF. And finally, and probably the main reason that Charles is disliked, certainly among many of you reading this, is his connection with the WEF. On 3rd June 2020 he made a speech at the World Economic Forum’s launch of their Great Reset initiative.

Of course this was not the first time he addressed the WEF. He spoke at their January 2020 conference in Davos where he gave a speech on decarbonisation. He called the leaders present to lead a paradigm shift to inspire action to avert the approaching catastrophe. He was of course referring to climate change. He has also said we need a global Marshall Plan to save the environment. Full on net zero nonsense.

Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles even recorded a podcast together on why we need a Great Reset. Charles has supported this takeover right from the very beginning and is one of, if not, the leading voice forcing the great Reset on us all.

Back to Scotland. During the coronation earlier this year in London, we saw a small number of “Not my King” placards. In Scotland this week we saw many more. This could be the start of a much wider and growing dissatisfaction and anger with the reign of King Charles.

Read the full article here
