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New Analysis of White House Visitor Logs Reveals Notalble Gaps and Missing Names



Who is visiting the White House?

A new analysis of White House visitor logs reveals notable gaps and missing names.

Bloomberg reported:

President Joe Biden promised greater transparency about who was visiting his White House, yet a review of visitor logs from his first two years in office reveals notable gaps in disclosure.

The records detail more than 300,000 visitors from January 2021 through February 2023, including lawmakers such as West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, whose vote Biden was seeking for legislation, and business titans like JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon.

However, a Bloomberg News analysis of the data found duplications, anomalies and missing names. The results raise questions about the accuracy and completeness of the logs that record business meetings, social functions and receptions with Biden and other officials at the White House complex, which includes adjacent office buildings.

For example, the records posted on the White House website show just five visits from Nancy Pelosi when she was House Speaker, despite at least 20 known instances when she was there. And Biden’s former Chief of Staff Ron Klain, whose job would have made him one of the most sought-after people in the complex, is shown hosting only six visitors over two years.

Biden has only spent 60% of his presidency at the White House.

Joe Biden has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation with no visitor logs.

Fox News reported in January that a “source familiar” with the situation told them that the Secret Service has records of “regular” visitors to Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home that the agency is prepared to turn over to Congressional investigators.

This contradicts earlier reports by the White House counsel’s office and a Secret Service spokesman that no visitor logs were kept. The issue of visitor logs or records for Biden’s home is part of investigations into the discovery of illicit unsecured classified documents recently found in several locations, including the garage, at Biden’s home.

Six months later, the Secret Service is refusing to hand over records of Joe Biden’s visitors at his Delaware home.

Read the full article here
