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Muskegon County, Michigan GOP Released Report After 2020 Election Anomalies – What They Found Will Shock You, and Infuriate You



The 2020 Michigan election: vans, locked rooms, registration harvesting and lies.

The Muskegon, Michigan Republican Party investigated the 2020 election in their county and what they found will shock you and infuriate you.

The report on election anomalies by Chris Kaijala was first published on the Muskegon County Republican website.

** The full report is here.

Joe Hoft reported on the findings.

The Muskegon County GOP shares this:

These “anomalies” found in the Muskegon County 2020 election were ignored by our County Clerk, Sheriff and the County of Muskegon. Please read the original article below published May of 2022, written after the cumulation of information came together to create the Muskegon County Election Report.

Here are some portions of their report that can be found here in its entirety.

On the evening of November 3, 2020, most of us here in Muskegon County were closely watching the election results, including our local candidates. At 11:00 PM eastern time, it was clear who the likely winners were, even though the counting had been stopped and not complete. The following morning, however, two local candidates (Republicans) who were in the lead and non-officially declared the winners at 11:00 PM, found themselves to have lost by the next morning due to mail in ballots that mysteriously appeared overnight. Sound familiar? This and learning that Zuckerburg money came into Muskegon County for our election, is what enticed the Muskegon County GOP to look into the situation, thereby establishing the Election Committee to take. Numerous issues were uncovered, creating the possibility that the outcome of several Muskegon County races could have been altered.

To begin, Changes to state law were made due to Proposal 3 in 2018, which allowed voters to vote absentee via mail in ballots up to 40 days prior to an election. Other significant changes were made by the MI Secretary of State which led to widespread mailings of absentee voter (AV) ballot applications and changes to the verification protocol.

With the high volume of absentee voter ballots (AV), it took the Muskegon County Clerk 10 days to finalize the election here in Muskegon County. In one city the increase of AV ballots was five-fold and in another, the mail-in vote was more than half the final vote. Yet the county reported a 65% turnout rate of voters, (compared to 2016 with a 62% voter turnout), however, based on the voting age population (VAP), it was found that the actual turnout was between 71% and 84%.

An analysis was completed on the historical trend of registered voters in Muskegon County and was found to be fairly consistent, until the 2020 election. In 2020, voter registrations pushed the total QVF numbers above the total population of Muskegon County! We know a massive roll out of AV ballot applications were sent out prior to the 2020 election from the MI Secretary of State. But, it was discovered that numerous AV ballot applications were also sent from outside the state to a large number of addresses within Muskegon County. Some of these came from Illinois and California (both blue states), with some receiving five or more AV ballot applications. There is no verifiable voter ID procedure for AV ballots. One municipality in Muskegon County, Dalton Township, had confirmed that 795 AV ballots were sent out, however, 2,760 were returned. This is a difference of 1,875 excess ballots that were returned and counted in the 2020 election. In some municipalities, AV returns were greater than 100% of what was sent out…

The 2020 U.S. Census population of Muskegon County was 175,824. Subtract the 39,521 children under the voter age of 18, and we get 136,303 adults that qualify as the voter age population (VAP). On November 3, 2020, the county clerk’s election report listed there were 148,377 VAP’s in Muskegon County; a 9% increase of the actual VAP on the 2020 Census. (Typically, only 85% of adults are registered to vote.)

Looking back at voter registration trends, from mid-2015 to mid-2019, voter registrations rose on average 1,250 per year. However, in 2020, we see a massive spike in voter registrations. Between October, 2019 and Nov., 3, 2020, 17,100 voter registrations were added. Another 1,060 were added between November, 2020 and Jan., 1, 202[1]. This is not consistent with historical trends from the previous 4 – 5 years and in fact increased the Muskegon County voter registration drastically. The end result is that we had 13,130 excess registered voters above the VAP residing in Muskegon County during the 2020 election. What is even more concerning is the 9,000 – 18,179 voter registrations that had been removed from the QVF during the first quarter of 2021. The election committee got a snapshot of the county’s QVF in May of 2021 and it showed about 131,254 records compared to the QVF at the end of December 2020 when that snapshot showed 149,433 records. It appears that 18,179 records have been removed from the Muskegon County QVF in the first quarter of 2021…

To summarize what is being said here: There were 136,303 individuals in Muskegon County that were over the age eligible to vote.  Some of these individuals may be ineligible to vote and some never have voted and never will.  The report says that ordinarily 85% of eligible voters register to vote.  Therefore, the reasonable expectation of number of registered voters in Muskegon County is 115,858 voters (136,303 times 85%).  But the county had 32,000 more voters registered in the county than were expected in 2020. 

…This article is a summary of the report the Elections Committee has turned in. This is not a summary on everything discovered, but only on the significant findings. Please read the Full Report by clicking here.

Muskegon County, Michigan had over 32,000 more voters on its voter rolls than were reasonably expected which was more nearly 30% more voters on its roll than would reasonably be expected.

Read the full article here
