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Maui Resident Slams Joe Biden Over His Visit: ‘A Waste of Time’



One resident of Maui recently spoke out about Joe Biden’s late visit to the fire ravafed island, calling it “a waste of time.”

This person was merely saying what many other people on Maui are probably thinking.

Biden’s response to this situation was disgraceful.

Breitbart News reports:

Exclusive: Maui Resident Says Joe Biden’s Visit ‘Was a Waste of Time’

A Maui resident who led grassroots relief efforts after the devastating Lahaina fire on August 8 told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that President Joe Biden’s visit to Hawaii made things worse.

“It was a waste of time. That did hinder the efforts because all the fire department and everybody had to back off and make room for him to walk through the area when our first priority is getting the people out of there, dead or alive,” Dale Hermo-Fernandez told Breitbart News in a phone interview on Friday.

Biden visited Maui on August 21, nearly two weeks after a brushfire destroyed the town of Lahaina on August 8 and killed more than a hundred residents, with several hundred still missing.

At that time of Biden’s visit, 15 percent of the disaster area still needed to be searched for unaccounted persons, and recovery efforts were in full swing, with thousands still lacking electricity and access to clean water.

Hermo-Fernandez also blamed Biden for not doing more sooner to help with recovery efforts.

“All the way to the top, the government could have acted better,” he said.

There is a lot of completely justified anger over this.

Biden dropped the ball and the media is covering for him, as ususal.

We all know how the media would have treated this if it happened on Trump’s watch. You’d have people from Maui being interviewed on CNN and MSNBC every single night, slamming the federal response.

Read the full article here
