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Massive Firebombing in Seattle Possibly Linked to Drug War Between Competing Homeless Camps (VIDEO)



How bad are things in Seattle? Homeless camps are now waging war on each other over control of the drug trade. A man from one camp is suspected of going into another and igniting explosive materials, causing a huge fire and almost killing people in the process.

The longer that local and national leaders look the other way on this kind of thing, the worse it’s going to get.

What happens when this moves into residential areas?

Breitbart News reports:

This Means War: Explosion at Seattle Homeless Camp Possibly Linked to Drug Trade Battle

An explosion that set a homeless encampment in Seattle ablaze on July 21 was due to explosive devices, according to law enforcement.

The devices that were detonated at the scene may have a connection to a fight for control over who is in charge of the drug trade among the homeless population in the area, KOMO reported Wednesday.

The blaze the erupted July 21 was initially reported as a brush fire that was seen burning up numerous trees at the site near Interstate 5 and a hospital.

The cause was unknown at the time, but the police report obtained by KOMO said witnesses who saw the explosion deemed it a targeted attack on a fentanyl tent with people inside…

The article noted:

“[Witness] stated minutes prior to the explosion he saw the devices and alerted others inside. [Witness] stated everyone inside the tent freaked out and exited by lifting the other side of the structure to escape. [Witness] stated he then attempted to exit south due to hearing gunshots and flashing from the bush to the northeast, but saw another IED south of the structure,” a Seattle police officer wrote in the report.

Watch below, this is insane:

If a foreign force invaded the city of Seattle and started fires with bombs, would local leaders do anything about it? At this point, you really have to wonder.

Read the full article here
