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Major PBS Sponsor Funds the Abortion Industry and Big Media



Viewers who frequent PBS have heard the name of major sponsor, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s frequently.

The foundation, however, supports more than just public television; it is a major contributor to the abortion industry as well as funding other media outlets,  journalism schools, and other projects.

Financial partnerships between the media and abortion philanthropists is most certainly influencing how important matters like the sanctity of life are presented to the voting public.

Live Action delved into the foundation’s donations to Big Abortion, including:

The Center for Reproductive Rights


  • In 2007, MacArthur granted OpenDemocracy $40,000. This left-leaning group, which once referred to the abortion pill as a “revolution for women’s reproductive rights,” has also published hit pieces attacking Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) by falsely labeling the protocol as “dangerous” or “unproven,” even referring to women who seek out the treatment as “guinea pigs.”

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is by far the largest abortion corporation in the United States. A search at the organization’s grants website indicates that the MacArthur Foundation has contributed in total over $2.8 million, as follows:

  • Planned Parenthood of Illinois: $90,000 (1991-2017).
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation: $2,220,000 (2002-2012)
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America: $450,000 (1985).
  • Planned Parenthood of the Palm Beach Area: $50,000 (1987).

The Population Council

  • The MacArthur Foundation’s website reveals it granted more than $19 million ($19,022,000) to the Population Council, a eugenics-based organization founded by John D. Rockefeller III, from 1989 to 2023. The Population Council broughtthe abortion pill into the U.S. and later set up Danco Laboratories, LLC, as a sub-licensee of the Population Council. Shortly after establishing Danco to manufacture the pill, they set up a system through which it would also receiveroyalties from its sales. Today, the Population Council is funded by the Gates, Buffett, and Packard Foundations, among many others — including the Ford, Hewlett, MacArthur, and Kellogg Foundations.

To read a list of Big Abortion and Big Media donations from The MacArthur Foundation, read the full report at Live Action here.

Read the full article here
