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Librarians Admit They Hid LGBT Promotions from Parents




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Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘They have their censoring guns loaded’

Librarians, in both public and school facilities, in the past few years have been caught over and over by parents buying and delivering promotions of LGBTQ ideology and critical race theory issues to children to read.

Now one organization has been caught admitting that they hid such information from parents.

It’s in a report from The Daily Signal that the details are documented.

It reports that at least one school library in a school district in South Carolina actually “restricted access” to its online card catalog to hide “critical race theory books” from parents.

The group Moms for Liberty obtained internal documents where officials admitted just that.

The report said the school district alleged it insisted all schools in the district unlock their catalogs to start the school year, but Moms for Liberty officials say at least one remained blocked into February.

“Instead of listing these books as available in the library, they are making a conscious decision to include them in curriculum read aloud in class so parents don’t know,” charged Carly Carter, of the Anderson County Moms for Liberty chapter.

She explained to The Daily Signal it was her Freedom of Information Act case that revealed the proof.

“What’s most insulting here is that their intention is to cut parents out. They want to expose children to a social curriculum that they don’t want their parents to know anything about. That’s appalling.”

The evidence is from an email from Jennifer Chesney, librarian at Powdersville High, who confirmed, “We had to remove our card catalogs from online, so parents can’t scour it for critical race theory books (sigh).”

Critical race theory is the ideology that all of America is racist and that can only be solved by more racism.

The Signal explained it is, “a lens by which teachers train students to deconstruct American society on the premise that it is systemically racist against black people and in favor of white people. Parents have raised the alarm about lessons that make black students feel oppressed or inferior and white students feel shame for alleged oppression.”

The report said Chesney’s comment was in response to a request for copies of “The Acorn People.”

The report said Chesney also has complained about the “weird climate” in her district.

“The Moms of Liberty are coming hard at us with book challenges (mind you, the leader of the group doesn’t even have a child in our district – *grrr*), so we’re going to need to tread lightly with our topical choices. They have their censoring guns loaded.”

Her plan, revealed in emails, was to mislead, apparently.

“Parents or community members who are easily offended will want to jump on the BLM or LGBTQ+ content, but we’ll be able to point out that was a brief discussion alongside allllllllllll these other current hot topics (with only a snippet of a book read),” she planned. “I’ve never gotten any push-back on my true crime novels, but then people don’t get upset about violence the way they do [about] race and sexual orientation. *sigh*”

Multiple parental groups across the nation have been resisting in recent years the flood of political leftist and sexually explicit materials that have appeared in the book industry and are being promoted and provided to children.

Librarians, under the claims of “free speech,” have insisted they must provide even extremely offensive materials to children.

The report cited Heather Loy, a library at Wagener-Salley High, who lobbied for shutting down concerns from parents.

“As much as they don’t want to [hear] it, parents should only be allowed to have a say in THEIR children’s access not what is provided to all students access. Parents should not be included in collection development,” she claimed, in the report.

An official for the South Carolina district told the publication schools are required to make their card catalogs available to students, parents and the public. And if a book is available, it should be listed.

And the district reported parents also have available an “opt-out” so certain library books are not delivered to their children.

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