Lawmakers Plot Course to Fight Abortion Free-for-all Amendment
This article originally appeared on WND.com
Guest by post by Bob Unruh
1 plan would eliminate judiciary’s jurisdiction over ballot initiative
Voters in Ohio agreed this week to change the state’s constitution to “protect” abortion.
In short, it sets up an individual’s right “to one’s own reproductive medical treatment.”
But that doesn’t mean those millions in the state who are pro-life are giving up.
According to a report from Front Lines Ohio, already 26 lawmakers have issued a statement they plan legislation to address the move to make the state an abortion a free-for-all.
And they note that the ballot issue fails “to mention any laws that would be required to be repealed,” the report explains.
Lawmakers are arguing that the state’s Issue 1 was “vaguely written in order to deceive the public into passing it. As a result, enacting Issue 1 into law requires deciphering ambiguous intent,” the report said.
Rep. Bill Dean, R-Xenia, said actually, “This initiative is too vague and ambiguous to change anything.”
Rep. Jennifer Gross, R-West Chester, explained, “Foreign billionaires don’t get to make Ohio laws. This is foreign election interference and it will not stand.”
She cited the millions that was handed over to pro-abortion ideologues to fund the campaign for killing the unborn.
“If foreign money can be used to buy elections, what’s to stop the Chinese from funding a forced-abortion amendment next?” challenged Faith2Action President Janet Folger Porter. “Our children are not for sale to the highest bidder on a ballot initiative.”
The state’s existing laws include the Ohio’s Woman’s Right to Know Law, Parental Consent, Fetal Homicide, Partial Birth Abortion Ban, and the Heartbeat Law.
And Porter said, “The Supreme Court in Dobbs established that this is for elected representatives to decide. Just as Missouri legislators negated a stem cell ballot initiative in 2006, we will do likewise.”
Former Rep. Candice Keller pointed out, “Just as we wouldn’t reinstate slavery by a popular vote, the inalienable right to life cannot be infringed, no matter how much foreign money was spent on false and misleading ads.”
Constitutional Attorney Andy Schlafly, son of the renowned Phyllis Schlafly said, in the report, “Issue 1 violates the right to elect representatives to decide fundamental issues. Ballot initiatives cannot infringe on the inalienable right to life, and the legislature should withdraw jurisdiction from the courts to prevent misapplication of Issue 1 against life.”
Last year Michigan voters approved a similar constitutional change, but it already is being challenged in court as having created a “super-right” to abortion that violates multiple other constitutional protections.
Polls there have shown that voters actually didn’t, and don’t now, endorse what was done by the amendment, and critics charge that it was deceptively advertised.
Already, there has been reporting that Ohio lawmakers are developing a plan with withdraw from the judiciary the authority over the dispute.
“To prevent mischief by pro-abortion courts with Issue 1, Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,” members of the state House explained.
“The Ohio legislature alone will consider what, if any, modifications to make to existing laws based on public hearings and input from legal experts on both sides.”
A statement from Reps. Jennifer Gross, R-West Chester; Bill Dean, R-Xenia; Melanie Miller, R-Miller; and Beth Lear, R-Galena, said, “We will withdraw jurisdiction from the courts so that they cannot misapply Issue 1 for the benefit of the abortion industry.”
State House Republicans have stated there are “multiple paths” to protect life, and Democrats, who have adopted a plan to create abortion free-for-all in the state, face an uphill battle in the GOP majority legislature.
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