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“It Was Crazy Talk!” – Tucker Carlson Breaks Down Joe Biden’s SOTU Address – LIVE RESPONSE ON NOW – 10:40 PM ET



Tucker Carlson Breaks Down Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address – LIVE RESPONSE ON NOW

Tucker Carlson’s response is on now – 10:40 PM ET.

Tucker Carlson: There was no upside for you in anything he said for you… Biden and his party is encouraging people to have more children… He’s offering abortion, war, castration of children. Who wants all that? …Joe Biden can’t win. In a fair election Joe Biden cannot win… Chris Hayes the most famous lesbian on television…

…We know they’re going to steal the election because they are saying it out loud.

Tucker then brought on Victor Davis Hanson for analysis.

VDH: I’ve never seen an angrier speech… It was like a mean old man saying get off of my grass.

VDH says Democrats will toss him at their August convention. “What they saw tonight was an old man raging, ranting and barking at the moon.”

Alex Jones just came on!

Read the full article here
