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IRS Whistleblower Tells CBS that DOJ Protected Hunter Biden and Obstructed Investigation on Money Trails Involving “Dad” or the “Big Guy” (VIDEO)



  • Attempt to evade or defeat tax – A FELONY
  • Fraud or false statements – A FELONY
  • Willful failure to file returns, supply information or pay tax

Rather than charging Hunter Biden with felonies for evading taxes and providing false statements to the feds, Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ gave him a sweetheart deal.

Hunter Biden was hit with two misdemeanors related to unpaid taxes from 2017 and 2018 by U.S. attorney for Delaware David Weiss.

Joe Biden’s DOJ blocked US Attorney David Weiss from aggressively pursuing Hunter Biden, according to an IRS whistleblower who spoke to lawmakers.

Merrick Garland AGAIN denied the allegations and claimed David Weiss was never blocked from bringing charges against Hunter Biden.

After Garland denied the claims and accused the whistleblower of lying, the whistleblower fought back and named six more witnesses to confirm it was Garland who’s not telling the truth.

“I documented exactly what happened. And it doesn’t seem to match what the attorney general or the U.S. attorney are saying today,” IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley told CBS News in his first interview on Tuesday.

“There were really earth-shaking statements made by David Weiss that really brought to light some of my previous concerns. And the first one was that he is not the deciding person on whether or not charges are filed,” Shapley said. “It was just shocking to me,” he added.

IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley told CBS News chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod that he had also been obstructed from delving into investigative leads involving Joe Biden.

Shapley’s accusations pertain to the notorious 2017 email with the subject line “Expectations,” sent by James Gilliar, a business partner of Hunter Biden’s. The email mentioned a “provisional agreement” for “equity” in a transaction with a Chinese energy firm.

Two of Hunter Biden’s ex-business partners, who were privy to the message, disclosed to CBS News that the email reference — “10 held by H for the big guy?” — was a coded message signifying 10% held by Hunter Biden for his father, President Joe Biden.

In his conversation with CBS News, Shapley conveyed that a senior prosecutor reporting to Weiss blocked his efforts to investigate money trails involving “dad” or the “big guy.”

“I would say that they limited certain investigative leads that could have potentially provided information on the president of the United States,” Shapley said.

Biden has consistently denied any involvement in his son’s business dealings.

“I have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever, in my life,” Joe Biden claimed during a presidential debate in October 2020.

According to CBS, “Shapley’s requests to look into those details came in late 2020, when Trump Attorney General William Barr had instituted a policy requiring he personally approve any investigation of a president or presidential candidate. Asked by CBS News if it was possible he was simply not read-in to all the reasoning for decisions by the prosecutors, Shapley acknowledged that was possible.”

“I documented what I saw, and ultimately that’s the evidence. If they want to explain how that’s wrong, they can,” Shapley told CBS News.

“All of the things that I’ve testified in front of the House Ways and Means Committee is from my perspective, but it’s based on the experience I’ve gained over 14 years,” he added.


Read the full article here
