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France Has Fallen: Patriots Raided, Internet Censored, Police Union Threatens “Tomorrow We Will Be in Resistance” Against “Savage Hordes”





Riots continue in France as the police station in Rouen was set on fire last night. Patriot militias have take to the streets in France, battling with rioters for the first time. Right-wing politicians are calling to cut welfare for the parents of migrant hoodlums. French police unions warned the government “Today the police are in combat because we are at war, tomorrow we will be in resistance.”

NOTE: This article uses Twitter links to display videos often not available elsewhere. Twitter has been censoring accounts and videos from France. Please also search GETTR, Rumble and other free platforms for news from #FranceHasFallen

72 people were arrested Monday night and 159 vehicles set afire as riots continued. 202 fires were set on roads last night, and 24 buildings burned. Four police stations were attacked.

French President Emmanuel Macron was scheduled to meet with the mayors of 220 towns affected by the riots on Tuesday.

A police station in the Châtelet district of Rouen was set on fire as terrified neighbors filmed the rioters.

A GoFundme launched by right-wing pundit Jean Messiha for the officer Florian M. accused of “voluntary homicide” after almost being run over by 17-year-old gangster Nahel M. a week ago in Paris suburb Nanterre reached almost €1.5 M.

Instead of cracking down on protestors, however, the French government is cracking down on “right-wing militias”, citizens trying to protect their communities, and censoring the internet to keep images of the worst race riots in European history from coming out.

Street battles broke out between patriots and rioters in Angers on the Loire in western France.

In Angers, the Right-Wing Students’ Association (Rassemblement des Ètudiants de Droite – RED) gathered at their Alvarium café drove off about 50 masked hoodlums who came to attack them.

In Chambéry in southeastern France, local patriots chanted, “Wake Up, France, this is your home!”

Also in Chambéry, rioters threw a Molotov cocktail at Frenchmen defending their neighborhood.

Instead of supporting the local patriots, French police fired tear gas to dispel militia patrols in Lyon and immediately conducted raids at the homes of rightwing activists.

It led many observers to wonder why the police could respond so quickly to attempts to defend French communities, but not the rioters. Speaking to Generation Identity activist Martin Sellner (English starts at 24:00), the assistant to MEP and Reconquête party vice-chair Nicolas Bay, Bastien Rondeau-Frimas noted the police had been instructed not to crack down on protests for fear of “escalation.”

“Of course a strong leader like Éric Zémmour could crush this very easily. The police have been ordered to not do that much because they “don’t want to add fuel to the fire”. The orders from the government are explicit: We don’t want you to fight this, we just want you to secure Hell. They believe if the cops would act, it would explode”, Frimas said.

Frimas contrasted this to the violent police reaction to the Yellow Vest protests that began 2018: “The police crushed the (Yellow Vest) protestors. It was insane. The violence of the police, shooting non-lethal weapons directly in the face of people. When it was over, the same people who are rioting now came in from the suburbs, rioting and destroying cars and shops, and they were followed by the police, just making sure that they don’t attack people. I saw this with my own eyes. They could have dispersed them but they didn’t want to.”

French authorities are now cracking down on young patriots who dare fight back, Frimas said. “Today, the French police searched the homes of the young patriots in Angers, because they are apparently a danger to the state. In Lyon, a group of patriots protested the state’s inaction, and the police immediately moved to disperse them.”

Videos of riots are being removed from Twitter, Frimas said. “They are trying to censor Twitter and impose a full blackout. They want to secure city centers, because that’s where their voter base lives, and to hide what’s happening in the surroundings, because the people only watch TV news. They don’t ever realize what’s going on.

Twitter has now limited the reach of verified and unverified accounts. Photo journalists attempting to document the riots were attacked by police.

“I think not many of the French realize how bad it was,” Frimas said. “Cops and prison guards were hunted in the streets.” The home addresses of police officers and prison guards were doxxed and officers threatened at home, Frimas said. A Nanterre prison guard was allegedly chased on the streets and robbed.

The French police unions Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA issued a statement protesting the government response as well; “In the face of these savage hordes, calling for calm is not enough, we need to impose it, to re-establish order in the republic and put those arrested beyond where they can act up,” the statement read. “Today the police are in combat because we are at war, tomorrow we will be in resistance and the government should realize that.”

Jordan Bardella, head of Marine LePen’s Rassemblement national (RN) party, called to “suspend welfare payments to parents of repeat offenders when there is clear evidence of neglect”. The leader of the right-wing Reconquête party Éric Zémmour said that “Parents are responsible for 13-year-old children, we can suspend their welfare benefits.”

Zémmour has called the violence a “race war” and an “invasion in our midst”. Writing in Le Figaro, French Canadian pundit Mathieu Bock-Côté said “This is not a civil war – it is an invasion.”

“We are all in the same boat,” Frimas said. “It’s happening in all our contries. We have to stick together. If this happens to the French, it will happen to the Germans, to the Austrians, the Italians and the Swedes.just because we are Europeams. They don’t hate French. They hate Whites. It’s the same as in the US.”

A video emerged showing the 17-year-old “police victim Nahel M. riding “Fast and Furious” style on a motorcycle:


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