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EXCLUSIVE: Effort to Recall Wisconsin Assembly Speaker RINO Robin Vos Over Rigged Elections in Wisconsin and Newly Discovered Ties to CCP – LAST TWO DAYS TO SIGN RECALL PETITION THIS WEEKEND



Conservatives in Wisconsin are currently looking to recall Assembly Speaker Robin Vos over his ties to China and his complacency with the stolen elections in the state.

Seven thousand total signatures are needed to force a recall election.

A Wisconsin Capitol Source tells The Gateway Pundit that Vos is still blocking fair elections to stop President Trump in 2024. Vos even stated in 2022 that he would work “as hard as I can to make sure Donald Trump is not the Nominee.”

Of course, he failed. Trump is well on his way to the General Election.

Joe Hoft reported last July that Vos spoke about Democracy at the EU, representing the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) on the 6th. How ironic after the actions he took in protecting the stolen election in his state in 2020.

He has also won his elections in Racine, Wisconsin, by extremely close margins and under corrupt circumstances. Recall that On November 4, 2021, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling recommended charges against five members of the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) for committing voter fraud in Wisconsin nursing homes by casting votes for incapacitated or mentally incompetent patients, who otherwise wouldn’t have voted lawfully, while Special Voting Deputies were deemed nonessential under the COVID guidelines and barred from nursing homes to do the job of securing voting rights and preventing elder abuse. Meanwhile, other “essential workers” like food delivery and different first-world service providers were allowed into the buildings.

According to Schmaling, WEC officials knew that they “needed the flexibility to violate the law” and that they “instruct[ed] county clerks to break the law” over a recorded Zoom call.

Robin Vos did nothing about this massive fraud as Speaker of The Assembly and he has fought vigorously to keep corrupt Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe in office. “We want to get Megan Wolfe out now” before she can fudge with the 2024 General Election, said an organizer of the recall.

Vos previously “violated Assembly rules” by delaying a Senate-approved resolution to impeach Megan Wolfe, then sent the resolution to a committee where he knew it would never see a vote on the floor, according to one Wisconsin State Legislator who asked to remain anonymous. Before this, Vos refused to pursue Wolfe’s impeachment and then folded while giving the appearance that he was moving forward with impeachment to appease local media and constituents.

Now, we may have more insight into why Vos is so anti-Trump and anti-free and fair elections.

Vos sits on the State Legislative Leaders Foundation Board of Directors.

State Legislative Leaders Foundation Board of Directors 2024

This organization has participated in “subnational legislative exchanges” proposed in September 2015 by Chinese President Xi Jinping and endorsed by Barack Obama.

According to The Diplomat, “conducted by Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC), characterized by the world’s leading Western scholars on China as ‘effectively the public face of the CCP’s United Front Work Department,’ and the U.S.-based non-profit State Legislative Leaders Foundation (SLLF). An MOTwenty-sevenally signed in December 2015.”

Twenty seven years after the Chinese Communist Party reportedly sent a delegation to the small farming town of Muscatine, Iowa, and they “forged deep connections with the local community” in 1985, Xi Jinping, then-Vice President of the People’s Republic of China, announced a trip back to Iowa while speaking in Washington DC in 2012.

“I’m going to tell my old friends in Iowa that the golden keys presented to us by the representative of the Muscatine city hall symbolized the opening of local exchanges and cooperation between our two countries… Once open, the door to local exchanges and cooperation between China and the US cannot be closed by any force. On the contrary, it will only open wider and wider,” remarked Xi in 2012.

Xi continued meeting with local American leaders over the next decade, focusing on “Subnational Governments and China-U.S. People-to-people Exchanges.”

The Diplomat reports,

In August 2017, at the 2017 Legislative Summit in Boston, with a representative of the Chinese Consulate in New York in observance, CPAFFC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NCSL to “formalize a two-way exchange program between American state legislators and Chinese members of provincial people’s congresses.” Strong ties have been developed between the two organizations over two decades, specifically since 1996. “NCSL has sent more than a dozen study tours to China, where legislators met with municipal and provincial governments. NCSL and CPAFFC have worked together to send scores of U.S. delegates to Chinese cities and provinces…”

In a October 2019 speech introducing CPAFFC and its leader Li Xiaolin at an NCSL Executive Committee Meeting, then-NCSL president and speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly Robin Vos notably praised: “Madame Li has traveled to more than 100 countries on the face of the planet advocating for her special relationship to make sure that people understand all of the things that China is doing to improve people around the world.” In response, Li expressed her gratitude and said: “In the future, our association is willing to work with NCSL to provide a broader platform for the legislatures of our two countries, deepen our communication, cooperation, and we will try to build mutual trust. Our doors are always open and ready to embrace you with a hug. On behalf of the Chinese people, we always welcome you to visit China.”

In spite of the warm words exchanged then, a broader change of U.S. policy toward the PRC – from “engagement” to “distrust and verify” – was already underway at the time. That included a shift in American attitudes toward U.S.-China subnational exchanges in particular, with such relationships singled out as suspicious and possibly against U.S. national interests. The next articles will discuss the dynamics behind that change, as well as the current state of China-U.S. subnational exchanges under the Biden administration.

Vos’ China ties are further seen in recent legislation, such as 2023 Assembly Bill 269, to prohibit foreign adversaries like China from acquiring agricultural or forestry land in the state, which he has refused to consider and assign to committee since its introduction in May 2023.

According to Wisconsin Capitol Sources, legislators have also raised concern and distrust in Vos due to his killing of anti-CCP legislation. One legislator also confirmed to The Gateway Pundit that Vos is “all about the money as far as things going on the calendar,” and he “has not moved on legislation to hold China accountable when he’s had multiple opportunities to do so.”

“I have not seen the Speaker do anything to directly challenge or stand up to China in terms of a variety of different bills that have been out there,” they added.

The organizers of the recall effort provided the following statement to The Gateway Pundit:

Wisconsin voters can sign this petition to Recall CCP plant Robin Vos all day this Saturday and Sunday at 2709 Browns Lake Road in Burlington, Wisconsin.

Read the full article here
