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Excerpt From Kari Lake’s “Unafraid” Reveals That Former AZ Secretary of State Jan Brewer Was “100% Sure” She Would Win the Governor’s Race in 2010 Despite Horrible Debate Performance – Is This Why Katie Hobbs Didn’t Debate?



Katie Hobbs

Kari Lake’s first-ever book, “Unafraid,” reveals the shocking things she learned about Arizona’s political establishment while campaigning for Governor in 2022.

Order “Unafraid” by Kari Lake today here! 

Lake will host a speaking and book signing event at 5:30 pm PST tonight in Tempe, Arizona. Register for upcoming events here!

The Gateway Pundit reported on the release of Lake’s new must-read book exposing the stolen Arizona elections, the Arizona fake news media, and the uni-party swamp.

Kari Lake’s First Book “Unafraid: Just Getting Started” is a MUST-READ Memoir of Stolen Elections and Draining the Uniparty Swamp in Arizona – PRE-ORDER TODAY

A short story from the memoir details Lake’s conversation with former Republican Arizona Secretary of State and Governor Jan Brewer, whom she was “friendly” with, in March 2021. Lake explains that shortly after she resigned from the Fake News Media and received immense support from fans asking her to run for office, she reached out to Brewer to “pick her brain about the idea.” According to Lake, Brewer also said she had a future in politics.

Later on, however, Jan Brewer endorsed Lake’s primary opponent and became an outspoken opponent of Kari. Following Kari Lake’s primary election win, Brewer told reporters, “I want to hear her tell me she did all this because she wanted to win and that it got a little bit out of control,” and she refused to endorse Lake.

During the March 2021 conversation, Lake explains how Brewer became “triggered” over her support for the Arizona Senate’s 2020 election audit. Brewer was formerly an outspoken supporter of President Trump. She previously said that President Trump and herself were “cheated” out of the 2016 delegate race at the Arizona Republican Party convention following what she called an “electronic vote full of glitches and errors.” Why would she be against auditing an election where Trump was obviously cheated by the radical left and Joe Biden?

Additionally, Brewer said in a December interview, “It’s over, the votes have been counted, there is no turning back.” Jan also asked, “Why are you doing it, Kari?” Again, why would she be opposed to Lake contesting a vote that was full of glitches and errors, just like hers, but even worse, with 59% of machines failing in Republican districts on election day?  

“Maybe the reason Jan didn’t want this forensic audit is because she had a strong suspicion of what people would find when they cracked open the voting machines and closely examined the ballots,” Lake writes.

Lake notes that Brewer, who was Secretary of State before she was Governor and performed awfully in the 2010 debates, shrugged off her debate performance, knowing she was going to win the election before the election even happened. “She told me she was 100 percent sure of that. She wasn’t worried one bit,” writes Lake.

Similarly, as The Gateway Pundit reported, former Secretary of State and illegitimate Governor Katie Hobbs refused to debate Kari Lake. Hobbs told CNN’s Dana Bash in October 2022, “I guarantee you… they’re not going to look at their ballot and say, ‘damn it, Katie Hobbs didn’t debate her opponent.’” Regarding Hobbs’ debate dodge, Kari writes, “The fix was in for the debate denier.”

Judge Peter Thompson, who was appointed to the bench by Brewer, has dismissed Kari’s lawsuit twice now after two trials exposed the fraudulently configured voting machines and fraudulent signature verification in Maricopa County. Lake’s team was not allowed discovery before trial, and newly discovered evidence of intentional machine reprogramming was not allowed to be admitted in the second trial.

Lake did not explicitly accuse Brewer of stealing the 2010 election, but this appears to be a new startling trend of former Secretaries of State running for Governor in Arizona.

Kari Lake recalled the meeting with Brewer in her new book.

An excerpt from Unafraid:

“Joe Biden is really hurting this country,” I said. Jan nodded in agreement. I continued, “I’m hoping for the best, but I expect the worst. We just gotta keep fighting. That election was a nightmare. It’s so wrong what happened.” Jan tilted her head.

“Thank God that Karen Fann got us the forensic audit. I guess we’ll see what that turns up.” Very bubbly and kind up until that moment, Jan stared over at me and with a disapproving tone, balked at any notion of looking into the 2020 election, or even questioning it. It was a visceral reaction that, frankly, shocked me. She shot me down for supporting an audit as if I was a school girl who stepped out of line and needed to be disciplined.

Jan quickly changed the subject to God-knows-what, I couldn’t even hear what she was saying or remember because my mind was trying to understand why she would so vehemently oppose simply “checking under the hood” of the botched 2020 election to alleviate voters’ concerns and make corrections to areas in our election process that needed improvement. As Jan continued talking, I racked my brain wondering why. My take at the time was, the more the Maricopa County Recorder and Board of Supervisors protest, the more they must be hiding. It’s not conspiracy talk. We all saw how they used Covid to shut down the places we used to vote: churches and schools. They ended small precinct voting where fraud is easier to detect and forced massive Voting Centers on us. They flooded Maricopa County with ballots. And I don’t think it made anyone feel any better when Maricopa County’s response to good faith questions was to stonewall our voters and their state legislators.

It angered me to see how the media treated people who had questions about the election. We are supposed to question our government and call out corruption. So is the media; that’s their job. There were normal people with perfectly reasonable doubts about an election process that seemed designed to be intentionally non-transparent. All they wanted was for their representatives to answer their questions and help them put aside their fears. And it wasn’t like allegations of this type were new to Arizona. People had voiced similar concerns in 2018 when many Republicans were winning on election night, only to see the lead disappear overnight for Democrats to be declared the winners in the following day or two. Kyrsten Sinema had emerged victorious after a week-long counting process and credible rumors were reported of misplaced ballots being found at the side of the road or in people’s trunks.

I could understand why people had doubts. I shared them too. My mind wandered from all of that Covid undermining of elections to the reason our former Republican governor was so triggered about an election audit. My mind came back to the oversized booth at the sports bar, the two beers at the table, and our lunches we were both still picking at and the sound of Jan launching into another story.

I wish I had recorded it because the story she told means a hell of a lot more to me now than the first time I heard it.

On January 21, 2009, Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano resigned from her position to join the Obama administration. Secretary of State Jan Brewer was next in the line of succession and was sworn in to take her place. Jan barely had time to measure the drapes in the 9th Floor before being thrown into the 2010 Republican Gubernatorial Primary, which she won, and then a General Election contest against the Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard.

On September 2, 2010, Jan debated her opponents on local PBS television station. To call her performance a disaster would be an understatement. It may be one of the worst debate performances in the history of debates. Here was Jan’s opening statement:

“Thank you, Ted, and it’s great to be here with Larry, Barry, and Terry and thank you all for watching this tonight. I have … ah..

A look of panic in her eyes, Jan shook her head back and forth and looked down in a long painful pause.

“… done so much… and I just cannot believe that we have changed everything since I become your governor.”

More panic. Jan froze like a deer in headlights. She paused for a painfully long time.

“We’ve cut the budget, we have balanced the budget, and we are moving forward. We have done everything that we could possibly do.”

Jan froze again. She looked down at the desk and began to laugh nervously. It took her NINE excruciating seconds to collect her thoughts. An eternity of silence on live TV. She finally started to speak again.

“…We have did what was right for Arizona. I will tell you that I have really did the very best that anyone could do. We have…”

***Watch the disaster of a debate here. The “painfully long” Joe Biden moment for Brewer was turned into multiple short news segments twelve years ago showing her running from reporters afterward, much like Katie Hobbs.***

You get the gist, right? Jan Brewer tanked the debate. Upon leaving the stage post-debate, Jan described being swarmed by a group of freaked-out staffers. They begged her not to debate again. They told her what had happened on stage was almost political suicide. Jan told me that she turned to her staff with a big grin and said, Don’t worry. Im going to win. She told me she was 100 percent sure of that. She wasn’t worried one bit.

Jan didn’t elaborate. She didn’t lay out a change in strategy, a new approach to campaigning. She didn’t even have a triumphant comeback performance in the next debate. No, Jan just knew she was going to win. And she did.

Hmm. Seemed strange to me.

Maybe the reason Jan didn’t want this forensic audit is because she had a strong suspicion of what people would find when they cracked open the voting machines and closely examined the ballots. Jan Brewer knew a lot about elections. She used to be Secretary of State overseeing the elections in Arizona.

After finishing her story, Jan took a few more sips from her beer and we spent the next few moments in small talk. The rest of our meal was polite. A few more people came up when they saw me and told me how much they appreciated me “taking a stand” against the Fake News and how they appreciated my courage. After thanking Jan for her time and saying goodbye, we parted ways. I didn’t know it would be one of the last conversions the former governor and I would have.

Later, after announcing my candidacy, Jan Brewer decided she hated me. She co-chaired the campaign of one of my RINO primary opponents, and spent the rest of the election cycle bashing me every chance she got-calling me an “election denier.” Even after I won the primary, she went on radio, continuing to disparage me and said she would not support me as the Republican nominee unless I would meet with her and tell her I was lying about my concerns about the 2020 election–and tell her that I made it all up just to get elected. This was crazy talk. Of course I was not lying.

I believed then and now that 2020 was rigged and I was proven right when they went above and beyond what they did in 2020 to steal another election on November 8, 2022, in order to stop me and our movment.

Jan Brewer wasn’t the stalwart conservative we thought she was. And she is certainly not interested in election integrity. She’s a member of the uniparty; she’s not interested in bringing the Republican Party together. But that’s okay–I will continue working to solve our problems and improve everyone’s shot at the American Dream. And I continue to invite RINOs out there to start loving America again, and join us in putting America First.

Jan Brewer could not be reached for comment.

Read the full article here
