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Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals Jamie Foxx Consulted Him Post-Vaccine; Urges Foxx to Speak Out the Truth Behind His Ordeal (VIDEO)



Source: Stinchfield Tonight/Newsmax

America’s leading COVID-19 expert and critic of the experimental vaccines, Dr. Peter McCullough, has urged famous actor and comedian Jamie Foxx to reveal the truth about his recent medical ordeal, linking it to the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Jamie Foxx has been at the center of recent speculation regarding his health after reports emerged claiming he had a blood clot in his brain allegedly caused by the experimental COVID vaccine.

According to the details given by Hollywood journalist, A.J. Benza, Foxx allegedly suffered partial paralysis and blindness, among other complications, following his vaccine administration.

“Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot. He did not want the shot, but the movie he was on, he was pressured to get it,” said Benza during an interview with Dr. Drew.

Three months after a mysterious medical condition led to his hospitalization, the Academy Award-winning actor broke his silence with an emotional Instagram video on Friday night.

Addressing the severity of his ordeal, Foxx revealed, “I went through something that I thought I would never, ever go through.”

While he acknowledged the public’s concern and anticipation for updates, he expressed his hesitation to share the details of his condition publicly.

“I just didn’t want you to see me like that, man… I didn’t want you to see me with tubes running out of me and trying to figure out if I was going to make it through,” he said.

Foxx also took the opportunity to address the rumors that had been circulating, quelling fears that he had gone blind or become paralyzed.

“Some people said I was blind? But as you can see, the eyes are working. Said I was paralyzed? I’m not paralyzed. But I did go through… I went to hell and back. And my road to recovery had some potholes as well,” he said.

“It’s been tough, man. I was sick, man, but now I got my legs under me, so you’re gonna see me out,” he added.

Now, Dr. McCullough is speaking out on the actual event that has left famed actor Jamie Foxx in serious condition.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that about a year ago, Mr. Foxx told Dr. McCullough that he had profound misgivings about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. McCullough wrote in June about his conversations with Foxx about the vaccine and about his concern for Foxx’s future:

As a public figure and practicing doctor, I get calls and questions from patients and family members every day all over the world. Without engaging in a doctor-patient relationship in the clinic or hospital, I cannot make a diagnosis, or give direct medical advice or care. However, I can help audiences develop an interpretive framework in public commentary.

I was asked by Dan Ball on Real America, about the condition of beloved actor Jamie Foxx. I had met Foxx in 2021 and we had a personal conversation about the COVID-19 vaccines. While that remains confidential, I can tell you I am concerned that if indeed he has suffered a stroke or intracranial hemorrhage, the long-term prognosis may not be good.

In an interview with Grant Stinchfield on Monday, Dr. McCullough expressed concern over Foxx’s decision to remain silent about the specifics of his condition. He urged Foxx to reveal whether he had taken the vaccine and if it played any part in his current health state.

“He’s not telling us the truth. He’s not telling us what he has,” said McCullough.

“Firstly, he should tell his fans and tell the public did he takes a vaccine, yes or no. He and I talked about this a long time ago. He knows my views on this,” said McCullough.

“The second thing is, he didn’t tell what the diagnosis is. Did he have a stroke? It looks like he did. His left side of his face is paralyzed. He says he had tubes in him. I presume that’s an endotracheal tube and a feeding tube. His collar is buttoned up over what’s probably a tracheostomy stoma. Why doesn’t he just tell the truth?”

“Jamie’s a good guy. I know him. I don’t know why he, Damar, Hamlin, Justin Bieber, the list goes on and on. Why can’t they just tell the public the truth? They’re public figures like you and me, Grant, and they have an obligation to disclose and be truthful to the public, not to be private or keep secrets,” McCullough added.

He emphasized that the COVID-19 vaccines are a public health issue and not a matter of personal privacy. As public figures, McCullough believes they have a responsibility to be truthful and transparent. The lack of such honesty, he feels, impedes public understanding and puts more lives at risk.


Read the full article here
