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DO IT! Jim Jordan Supports Idea of Moving the FBI Out of Washington, DC – Suggests Alabama



Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio supports the idea of relocating the FBI from Washington, DC to someplace else in the country that they are supposed to serve. He suggested Alabama as a possibility.

In addition to a change in numerous leadership roles, this would be great for the bureau and could even save it from itself.

The FBI has become way too involved in beltway politics, which really should be none of its concern, unless a federal crime has been committed.

Jordan is onto something here.

Just the News reports:

Jim Jordan looks to boot FBI from DC, suggests new HQ in Alabama

As House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, continues to blast the FBI and Department of Justice over alleged politicization of the justice system and law enforcement, he is eyeing a major move to separate the bureau from the intrigue of the nation’s capital.

To that end, he has thrown his support behind an effort to relocate the FBI headquarters, pointing to existing facilities in Huntsville, Ala., in a bid to depoliticize the bureau, he wrote in a Tuesday letter to the House Appropriations Committee recommending that the House use the “power of the purse” to advance key reforms. The bureau currently seeks to move out of the capital and into the suburbs.

“The Committee remains concerned about the politicization of federal law enforcement power emanating from FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.,” he wrote. “The centralization of FBI operations in the National Capitol Region has led to duplication of activity best left to the respective field offices, contributed to reduced autonomy in local field offices, and allowed improper political influence to taint law enforcement investigations and activity.”

This should happen with more agencies than just the FBI.

These agencies serve all of America, not just Washington, DC.

Decentralize them all.

Read the full article here
