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BREAKING: Corrupt DOJ Requests Court to Order Devon Archer’s Surrender for Imprisonment Prior to Testimony on Biden Crime Family (VIDEO)



In an unprecedented move, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued a letter to a federal judge in the Southern District of New York, suggesting that Devon Archer, a business associate of Hunter Biden, be ordered to surrender and begin his term of imprisonment.

This development comes amidst Archer’s ongoing appeal and just before his scheduled testimony about the criminal activities involving the Biden crime family.

The letter requests that the court set a date and time for Archer to report to a facility chosen by the Bureau of Prisons.

“In light of the foregoing, the Government respectfully requests that the defendant be ordered to surrender, at a date and time determined by the Court, to a facility designated by the Bureau of Prisons to commence his term of imprisonment,” DOJ said.

“The Government has conferred with counsel for the defendant about this request and asked that counsel propose a date for the defendant’s surrender,” the agency added.

However, Archer’s counsel responded, “Mr. Archer believes it is premature to set a report date in light of his anticipated continuing appeal as well as the newly-discovered sentencing error that the government has now conceded. Counsel for Mr. Archer will put in a response to the Government’s request by Wednesday.”

Despite this opposition, the DOJ continues to push for Archer’s surrender date to be set, as stated in the letter, “The Government disagrees with counsel’s position that a report date should not be set, and respectfully requests permission to respond to any arguments made by the defendant.”

On Sunday, Rep. James Comer joined Maria Bartiromo on her program, Sunday Futures, and expressed his concern over the timing and the implications of the DOJ’s actions.

Comer suggested that the move is an attempt to obstruct Archer’s upcoming testimony before the House Oversight Committee regarding Biden family crimes.

“I have in my hand a letter from the Department of Justice that was sent to the Southern District of New York on Saturday. By the way, Devin Archer is testifying on Monday, do you ever see do you usually see the DOJ send letters like this out on a Saturday?” Bartiromo asked.

“Never, never,” Comer replied. “This is the first time I’ve ever heard of the Department of Justice doing anything on a Saturday.”

Rep. Comer explained the DOJ’s motivation behind the letter, saying, “The Department of Justice is trying to nudge the judge to go ahead and sentence Devon Archer for something unrelated to what we’re going to be talking to him about tomorrow.”

The representative then criticized the DOJ’s move, linking it to an effort by the Biden legal team to impede their investigation. According to Rep. Comer, the Biden team has made numerous attempts to intimidate witnesses, to cooperate with the DOJ, and to interfere with the House Oversight Committee’s investigation. He believes these actions amount to a violation of the law, possibly even constituting obstruction of justice.

“It’s odd that it was issued on a Saturday, and it’s odd that it’s right before he’s scheduled to come in to have an opportunity to speak in front of the House Oversight Committee and tell the American people, the truth about what really went on with Burisma,” said Comer.

“I don’t know if this is a coincidence, Maria, or if this is another example of the weaponization of the Department of Justice. But I can tell you this, the lengths to which the Biden legal team has gone to try to intimidate our witnesses, to coordinate with the Department of Justice, and to certainly coordinate with the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, to encourage people not to cooperate with our investigation, to encourage banks not to turn over bank records, to encourage Treasury not to let have access to those suspicious activity reports, It’s very troubling. I believe that this is another violation of the law. This is obstruction of justice,” Comer added.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Devon Archer lost on all issues brought in his appeal to the United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit on Wednesday.

Archer had previously been released while awaiting judgement regarding the securities fraud case he was convicted in with co-defendant John Galanis.

Last month, and again earlier this week, it was announced that he would be testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee.  Many have predicted that he would testify about at least 24 instances of Joe Biden’s engagement with Hunter’s foreign business partners over the phone.

Archer’s year-long prison sentence was upheld, but it is not clear when he will turn himself in and whether or not he will still testify.

It was also reported that Archer is now ‘in hiding’ after receiving ‘threats’.”

Hunter’s Yale buddy and John Kerry’s former campaign manager Archer has been “forced to flee both his Long Island and Brooklyn homes, he told friends – but still plans to testify to the House Oversight Committee on Monday. “

“There were reports that he was canceling his appearance. They’re not true, he’s not canceling. But he has gotten threats, and he’s concerned about the threats,” the source told the Daily Mail, seeming to imply the Biden Crime Family is behind the threats:  “His family has received threats. He doesn’t know who from. But you don’t have to be Dick Tracy to figure that out.”

A different source denied Archer was “in hiding” but confirmed he received threats.  Archer’s wife Krista told the Daily Mail, “He’s not here. He’s not at our other home. He’s not in D.C.”, but wouldn’t reveal his location.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

Read the full article here
