“The Brady Bunch” star Christopher Knight shared his thoughts on the recent sale of the iconic house that served as the backdrop of the beloved 1970s...
In a brief clip of him speaking in Utica, MI, Tucker Carlson expresses his deep concern over widespread acceptance of dishonesty in public life, lamenting, “what’s true?...
Hundreds of Illegal aliens in El Paso, the majority from Venezuela, will be sleeping in the streets since the shelters are at capacity. Among the illegals...
Authorities in Spain have announced that a man has died from wounds he sustained after being gored by a bull at a festival on Saturday. The...
The French influence in Africa is crumbling in front of our eyes. After a long impasse with the Coup junta in Niger, President Emmanuel Macron announced...
Simone Biles has accused an Irish gymnastics competition of racism after video surfaced of a young black girl appearing to be passed up for a medal....
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau this week warned that creditors cannot use artificial intelligence to be exempt from giving reasons for denying consumers credit — marking...
A video of Republican commentator Sarah Isgur speaking about the weakness of the Democrats’ presidential bench in a panel discussion on ABC News This Week was...
OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma — Political and energy industry leaders are convening for a two-day summit on energy security on Monday in what Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)...
During a live Fox News report, members of the Texas National Guard appeared to put down a ladder to help illegal migrants enter into Eagle Pass,...
Alex Gino, a so-called “non-binary” author of a book about a transgender 4th grader, declared “parental rights really anger me” in a recent discussion of families...
A tentative agreement has been reached between the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, the labor union announced Sunday...
Former Trump White House lawyer Stefan Passantino sued crooked prosecutor Andrew Weissmann for defamation over a tweet claiming that Passantino “coached” January 6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham weren’t enough to save “ Expend4bles ” from a debut box office flop. The fourth installment suffered...
Six people died, including three children after a freight train crushed the SUV that they were riding in this weekend. One person is in critical condition....
President Joe Biden (D) is getting flak for mispronouncing LL Cool J’s name and using a derogatory term when speaking of the rapper at an awards...
IRS agent Darrell Waldon echoed IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony that prosecutors in Washington, DC, and California previously blocked now-special counsel David Weiss from charging Hunter...
The Biden Regime never seems to get anything right. Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given...
Breitbart Senior Writer John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books) arrives September 26th. You can read an exclusive excerpt here. We asked him five questions...