During an interview with the Fox News Channel aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Special Report,” Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) reacted to claims that 30,000 Palestinians have...
“Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary is blaming New York for “tainting the American brand” as former President Trump is at risk of losing properties following the...
The Princess of Wales announced today that she has cancer. She has begun what she called a course of preventative chemotherapy. Princess Kate had major abdominal...
Within hours of Friday’s deadly terrorist shooting at a Moscow concert hall and shopping mall, hundreds of social media users and anti-Russia media pundits went online...
The new CEO of FTX is claiming that former CEO and convicted fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried has no remorse over his crimes and is only trying to...
The Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments on Tuesday, March 26, in a case that could have a significant impact on how mifepristone —...
Stellantis, the parent company of several auto brands, including Dodge, Jeep and Chrysler, confirmed on Friday that it will be laying off hundreds more U.S. workers...
It has been more than a week since Haiti’s Prime Minister resigned in response to demands made by violent gangs. The US and Caribbean nations put...
Watch & share! Alex Jones breaks the latest on the terror attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow: RELATED: LIVE UPDATES: 40 Dead,...
Frank Luntz recently appeared on CNN and was asked about the possibility of New York AG Letitia James seizing Trump’s assets. He gave the far left...
A cunning group of squatters headed up by an aspiring actor manipulated a convoluted absentee ownership situation mixed with bizarre state laws regarding squatter rights to...
Spring is finally here, and that means a rise in gas prices. Gas prices rose by 11 cents on average this week, according to AAA’s weekly...
Let me just say up front that millionaire communists are my favorite kind of communists. I enjoy the way they slum it with their blue-collar comrades...
A group of migrants traveling on foot were struck by a vehicle after a driver lost control while swerving to avoid other pedestrians on a highway...
Obama has reportedly had at least two meetings with Joe Biden over the last year to discuss the election. One has to wonder if Obama is...
Fox News host Emily Compagno said Friday on “Outnumbered’” that as a Republican, she was “sick and tired” of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) for her...
Hyundai and Kia are recalling more than 147,000 U.S. electric vehicles due to damaged charging units, federal safety regulators said. Kia America is recalling 48,232 vehicles,...
It’s 3 pm Central as I’m writing this, so there could well be more updates before posting time. But what we know so far is that,...
An expert witness called by Democrats to discuss climate change was unable to articulate a compelling case for Congress to pass a proposed $50 trillion carbon...