Ukrainian officials on Friday said Russian forces launched their biggest drone attack on Ukraine in weeks, which is being seen as preparation for more fighting to come...
The US military has acknowledged carrying out “unarmed” drone flights over Gaza, saying the UAVs were deployed to help locate hostages taken by Hamas. American officials cited by...
The next pandemic, dubbed the ‘Big One,’ could be ‘simmering in the background,’ waiting to unleash the most contagious and deadliest diseases known to humanity. The...
As Maui County works to reopen West Maui to visitors, Lahaina residents pushed back saying people are still going through trauma after the fire that destroyed...
With the world’s attention squarely fixed on the Israel-Gaza war — while baseless hope for a Ukrainian expulsion of the Russian army has evaporated — US and...
In a prescient May 2010 broadcast, Alex Jones breaks down the true nature of communism – a dialectic of control. Geopolitical opposition between communism and monopoly...
Turkey has recalled its ambassador to Israel and broke off contact with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, citing the “humanitarian tragedy” in Gaza and “Israel’s refusal of...
The stepdaughter of Vice President Harris has raised $8 million in a fundraising campaign for Palestinians in Gaza, most of which will end up in the...
Members of the French Senate have introduced a bill to criminalize criticism of the state of Israel punishable by up to 5 years in prison and...
Democrat governors and senators are positioning themselves to run in 2028 or even in 2024 in case Joe Biden “unexpectedly” drops out, according to reports. California...