During an interview with CNN aired on Thursday’s “Situation Room,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) hold on defense nominees over the...
La Cocina opened in the Tenderloin in 2021. The concept was a single space with a bunch of different food options. It was always intended to...
Inflation Slowed More Than Expected Could this be immaculate disinflation? The Department of Labor said on Thursday that the producer price index (PPI) rose by just...
The school janitor, who se name is Antonio Avola, is 66-years-old. The female student is 17-years-old. The janitor admitted to touching the student but disputed the...
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) told Breitbart News on Thursday that he rejects white nationalism and racism, after he made controversial remarks in a recent CNN interview...
Politico continues to own the story of the Marianne Williamson campaign. Last week we learned that Williamson’s third campaign manager had fired several staffers and a...
Republican senators, led by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, are threatening to delay President Joe Biden’s State Department nominees over policies prohibiting U.S. scientific research aid to...
What a freakin’ clown show – the circus is in town, and that town is Washington, D.C. While it’s hard to pick a bigger Crusty than...
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) says that a case out of Franklin County, Tennessee, where an illegal alien is accused of raping multiple boys after drugging them,...
No doubt? None at all? Volodymyr Zelensky vented his frustration this week after NATO made the understandable decision to postpone any consideration of membership for Ukraine...