President Joe Biden’s White House is opposing a plan that would prevent federal lands from being transformed into migrant camps housing illegal aliens released into the...
In 2022, under the leadership of leftist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand passed the most sweeping ban on tobacco products ever seen. They planned to...
Despite the recent October 7 massacre of Israeli civilians and the overwhelming Palestinian support for it, the largely failed two-state solution for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...
Pretty much everyone and every auto manufacturer across the globe (with the exception of Tesla and nobody believes anything China says) has been singing songs of...
The conservative group Moms for America Action formally endorsed former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, emphasizing that it is crucial to have a leader who is...
Robert De Niro suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This fact became known when he participated in awards shows during the Trump years...
The communist propaganda outlet of North Korea claimed on Tuesday that an alleged surveillance satellite launched on November 21 had already taken photos of several sensitive...
My first Stossel TV Fellow, Trevor Kraus, initiated this column. Our video version is called “Freshly Cooked Censorship: Why You Can’t Put ‘Low FODMAP’ on Food...
Rabbi Simon Jacobson, the bestselling author of Toward a Meaningful Life and founder of the Meaningful Life Center, joined Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater on Tuesday...
The United States has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, at number 6, according to recent figures. So, how can I argue that...