Last year, in their ongoing efforts to shortsheet the Second Amendment at every turn, the California legislature passed a sweeping ban on the carrying of firearms...
The world’s first totally autonomous, artificial intelligence-powered eatery is now operating in Pasadena, California. The restaurant called CaliExpress that offers customers burgers and fries opened its...
There are some Hollywood celebrities that allegedly accepted an invitation to a gala celebrating Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s 70th birthday. Now they say they never agreed...
A New York City bookstore offering drug addicts services is in danger of being evicted, and some neighbors are relieved. The New York Post reported Saturday...
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is on the road again. He landed in Turkey yesterday for the start of his fourth trip to the region since...
An Albany County, Wyoming, judge dismissed a complaint that sought to remove former President Donald Trump — the leading Republican presidential candidate — from the ballot in the...
A massive winter storm continued moving through New England on Sunday as residents hunker down for the duration. The foot of snow caused some disruptions with...
December was recorded as the highest single month for illegal immigration. More than 302,000 people were reported crossing the southern border in December. Whitewater, Wisconsin is...
Police in Toronto, Canada, were filmed Saturday bringing coffee to anti-Israel protesters who blocked a road in a predominantly Jewish residential neighborhood. The protest took place...
[The following is a republication of a previous Sunday reflection from the same period last year. It still seems relevant today.] This morning’s Gospel reading is...