Credit to Twitchy which got to all of this about an hour ago (as I write this). The basic story is as follows. Billionaire Mark Cuban...
Women’s sports advocate and former NCAA swimming star Riley Gaines is spearheading an effort to raise funds to cover the expenses of female pro golfers who...
A retired Illinois judge said that Donald Trump’s name should be removed from that state’s primary ballot. He argues that Trump engaged in insurrection on January...
President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign feverishly hopes to secure the support of popstar Taylor Swift, who the New York Times describes as the campaign’s top “target,”...
Vivek Ramaswamy was never my cup of tea and this is why. Because, on the one hand he could occasionally do a solid job putting the...
Former actress Alyssa Milano is facing some blowback after soliciting donations on social media for her son’s baseball team. “My son’s baseball team is raising money...
Democrats have made no secret of the fact that they plan to run on abortion in this year’s elections. (What else are they going to run...
Kicking off the “Siege of Paris” on Monday, thousands of farmers took to their tractors in a coordinated attempt to block off entrances to the French...
Evergrande was once China’s top real estate developer, but ever since it defaulted on loans in 2021 the company has been in a kind of slow-motion...
A leader in one of the several groups identifying under the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” brand declared on Sunday that any negotiation between Baghdad and Washington...