After shaking the business world up with her lifestyle brand Goop, which first became infamous for selling a candle called “This Smells like my Vagina,” Gwyneth...
AMC Theatres will not proceed with the seat location-based pricing model it has been testing. The movie theater chain said Thursday it nixed plans to roll...
Experts fear that the tornado damage to Pfizer’s plant in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, will create long-term shortages of already-strained drug supplies. The plant that sustained...
One lucky winner Powerball winner in California is sitting with the $1.08 billion ticket drawn Wednesday night and 36 others, across various states, won $1 million...
To avoid years and years of debt after college, it is important to make financially smart decisions while you are still in school. This means doing...
Elon Musk is considering lowering the cost of Tesla vehicles as the company puts an emphasis on sales over profits, in hopes the self-driving software will...
A Florida family was awarded $800,000 in damages after a girl was left with second-degree burns outside a McDonald’s in Tamarac, near Fort Lauderdale, when a...
Another player is joining the U.S. ride-share market. InDrive, which differentiates itself through its bid-based business model, is making its U.S. debut in South Florida on Thursday. ...
The Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) for 2024 could rise to 3%, according to an estimate by The Senior Citizens League. That could increase...
As Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie is set to hit theaters this weekend, a cover of Aqua’s 1997-hit “Barbie Girl” by the late Johnny Cash is racking...