While the 2023 Miss Universe pageant, known for its inclusion transgender contestants, will still take place this Saturday, the JKN Global Group behind it filed for...
McDonald’s has launched a limited-edition collection with foam clog maker Crocs. A quartet of McDonald’s-themed shoes are at the center of the collection that became available...
Christmas has come early for air travelers, as Alaska Airlines announced a special fare sale to celebrate 35 years of service to Mexico. The three-day sale...
Three major commercial airlines reported being illuminated by a green laser just about 24 hours apart from each other. According to Boston 25 News, the Federal...
For one day only, 99 Cents Only Stores will offer some lucky customers the chance to purchase a Thanksgiving turkey for only 99 cents. According to...
Black is white, and white is black with Team Biden. The truth is a moving target. Nothing you might ordinarily think is true or false, is...
Stellantis, one of the Big Three U.S. automakers, on Monday offered buyouts to about half of its salaried employees as it looks to cut costs as...
Investors celebrated cooler-than-expected data on consumer inflation driving the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its best day since November 2023, while the Nasdaq Composite and S&P...
Inflation eased more than expected in October thanks to a drop in the cost of gasoline, but prices for many goods remained abnormally high for millions...
Economists warned President Biden that he can’t rely on the economy to carry him to victory in 2024 as prices and inflation remain high, citing a...