Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel, who starred as Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s epic film The Passion of the Christ, spoke with political strategist Steve Bannon on...
In an 8-1 ruling on Friday, the Supreme Court rejected a challenge to a Biden Administration memorandum that prioritizes immigration enforcement on illegals who pose a threat...
A bizarre Cold War throwback emerges as new intelligence claims Russia has deployed an “increased number” of military dolphins to its naval base in Crimea meant...
One day after the U.S. Coast Guard announced the tragic loss of the Titan submersible crew, a former passenger of the deep-sea vessel passionately defended its...
Wall Street sure seems to think it is possible. The Wall Street Journal has a sobering report on the decline of investors’ confidence in all investments...
Vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez took aim at Alex Jones Thursday, taking issue with Infowars’ characterization of him as a “globalist gremlin,” while falsely claiming he...
The National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman told Sportsnet that NHL players will no longer wear themed warmup jerseys next season, including Pride paraphernalia. The NHL came...
The Faith & Freedom Coalition will hold their Road to Majority 2023 conference this weekend in Washington, DC. “For the past twelve years, the Faith &...
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the U.S. has elicited a high level of interest from executives at big-name companies looking to invest in India,...
On Friday’s “Wake Up America,” former Coast Guard spokesman James Judge and retired medical examiner Michelle DuPre talk … Watch full video on YouTube