Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales and spouse of the heir to the British throne Prince William, released a video Friday openly discussing her recent cancer...
Mexican cartels are continuing to show a willingness to stoop to any level of crime if it means more money for their criminal empires. Alongside their...
The future Queen of the United Kingdom shocked the world on Friday when she revealed her cancer diagnosis, but revealed she had delayed making the news...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sent passengers who had been on an Alaska Airlines flight that had a door plug blow out mid-flight a letter...
An interesting wrinkle has surfaced in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s failed Bring Chicago Home ballot referendum on Tuesday. David covered the mayor’s miserable puling over why his...
At least three people in camouflage opened fire at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow on Friday, a Sputnik correspondent reported. BREAKING: Massive Terror...
After hiding all day, Joe Biden ignored questions as he shuffled across the South Lawn en route to Newcastle, Delaware for another weekend vacation. Biden has...
Lawyers for Lady Rose Hanbury have reportedly sent a notice to CBS late-night host Stephen Colbert after the comedian used his show to spread rumors of...
The Mega Millions jackpot rose to an estimated $1.1 billion after no tickets matched the winning numbers in Friday night’s drawing. The winning numbers drawn Friday...
I was never really a fan of the ACLU because it was clear they were always a leftist group. But I did have a grudging admiration...