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MSM Tries to Discredit ‘Sound of Freedom’ With Misleading Headlines About Crowdfunding Investor Arrested for Child Kidnapping



One of nearly 7,000 crowdfunders for the anti-child trafficking thriller Sound of Freedom was arrested and charged for accessory to child kidnapping last month, which the media has seized as an opportunity to smear the runaway box office hit.

But if you had read mainstream media headlines, you’d probably read that in an ironic twist of fate, a major financier for Sound of Freedom was arrested for child kidnapping.

The facts are these: 51-year-old Fabian Marta had reportedly rented an apartment to a woman who had taken her own child in violation of a shared custody agreement, and was charged by St. Louis Police on July 23 as a kidnapping “accessory” after “refusing to allow police access to the residence and impeding the kidnapping investigation.”

Marta’s lawyer Scott Rosenblum said his client was providing a living space to the other suspect in this case in exchange for rehab on some of the properties Marta owned.

“These charges are completely unfounded,” Rosenblum said. “I believe they are conflated and I believe Mr. Marta will be exonerated.”

Marta was one of 6,678 to donate to the crowdfunding effort for Sound of Freedom put together by Angel Studios.

But these inconvenient facts don’t make for a powerful discrediting narrative in the mainstream media’s view.

Fortunately, X’s “Community Notes” sets the record straight for some posts alleging a major financier behind the movie was arrested for child kidnapping.

Angel Studios CEO responded to the story in a statement, explaining that the crowdfunders contributed an average of $501.

Angel Studios adhered to the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations in allowing 6,678 people to invest an average of $501 each into the launch of Sound of Freedom. Just as anyone can invest in the stock market, everyone who meets the legal criteria can invest in Angel Studios projects. One of the perks of investing was the ability to be listed in the credits.

Our film speaks to this globally-pervasive problem, and it is our hope that perpetrators everywhere will be brought to justice no matter who they are, and that even more people will see the film to raise awareness.

Sound of Freedom has so far grossed over $163 million since its July 4 opening to the chagrin of the pro-pedophile media and leftists.

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