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Murder of Congress’ Legal Director Rocks Border State in Mexico
Authorities in the border state of Nuevo Leon continue investigating the murder of a top politician who served as the legal director for the state’s congress. The high-profile murder sent shockwaves through political spheres in the state.
The murder occurred on Monday night in the suburb of San Nicolas in the Monterrey metropolitan area. A group of gunmen shot 45-year-old Ricardo Flores Suárez and injured two other victims. Flores Suárez, the legal director for the Nuevo Leon Congress, was in the cafeteria area of a local soccer field at the time of the attack. He lived a short distance away from where he was killed.
El Poder Judicial del Estado de Nuevo León lamenta el fallecimiento del Lic. Ricardo Flores Suárez, Director Jurídico del H. Congreso del Estado, nuestras condolencias para su familia.
— Poder Judicial NL (@poderjudicialnl) August 1, 2023
The victim was a long-time National Action Party (PAN) member who had been a federal congressman twice and was a current key member in their state’s political structure.
Con profundo dolor, hoy nos despedimos de un gran amigo y compañero panista, Ricardo Flores Suárez, Director Jurídico del H. Congreso del Estado, Ex Diputado Federal y Ex Síndico de San Nicolás de los Garza ️
Descansa en paz, querido Ricardo Flores Suárez#AcciónNacionalNL⚪️
— PAN Nuevo León (@PANNLMX) August 1, 2023
The murder sparked much controversy in Nuevo Leon where the state congress has been constantly at odds with current Governor Samuel Garcia. The governor is a member of the Citizen’s Movement Party (Movimiento Ciudadano). Garcia often accused the legislative branch of trying to block his projects, while congressional leaders called for action at a time when one of the chief complaints in the state was the rising violence.
En un clima de tanto encono entre el gobernador @samuel_garcias y el Congreso del Estado , el asesinato del asesor jurídico del Poder Legislativo debe ser aclarado, hasta las ultimas consecuencias .
En aras de la democracia , el estado derecho y la paz y tranquilidad social, así…
— LilianaFloresBenavid (@FloresBenavid) August 1, 2023
The governor has not made any statements about the murder but has been active on social media promoting his trip to India where he is trying to lure Tata Motors into investing in Nuevo Leon.
Uno de los objetivos de la reunión de la India es reunirnos con Tata Motors que es dueño de Land Rover y Jaguar, empresas de autos de LUJO. ¡Viene más inversión y empleos para Nuevo León!
— Samuel García (@samuel_garcias) August 1, 2023
Nuevo Leon State Congressman Waldo Fernandez who hails from the Morena Party, told Breitbart Texas that the state is undergoing a rough period of violence where the criminal element is taking advantage of the political division which is fueling the lack of security and ungovernability in the region. Fernandez is calling for more communication and cooperation.
“This is something very complex that we are living through,” Fernandez said. “We need to already install a security and dialogue council because in my opinion there is no coordination within the various authorities due to the lack of trust among authorities due to the political confrontation.”
Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at
Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at
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