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Senate Democrats Kill Republican Amendment to Only Fly the American Flag Over Government Buildings



Senate Republicans recently introduced a measure which would forbid the flying of any flag except the American flag over government buildings. Only ONE Democrat voted for it and it missed passage by just one vote.

The Democrats voted against this for obvious reasons. The LGBT lobby wields a massive amount of power in the Democrat party, and Senate Democrats know who their masters are.

Congratulations to Senator Joe Manchin for being the sole Dem vote.

American Greatness reports:

Senate Democrats Shoot Down GOP Amendment to Fly Only the American Flag Over Government Buildings

On Thursday, Senate Democrats voted against a Republican-introduced measure that would have forbidden the federal government from flying any flag other than the American flag over government buildings.

As Fox News reports, the measure in question was introduced by Senator Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) as an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would have instituted the ban for all public buildings, from federal office buildings and courthouses to post offices.

Although the measure did win a narrow majority, with 50 in favor and 49 against, it took 60 votes to approve the measure due to an agreement previously worked out by Senate leadership. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) was the sole Democrat to vote with the Republicans in favor of the amendment.

A similar measure was introduced in the House by Congressman Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), which was attached to the House’s version of the NDAA, and specifically targeted the gay pride flag, which was flown by the White House and promoted by the Defense Department during the month of June, which some consider to be “gay pride month.”

Republicans should keep trying to pass this and shame the Democrats every time it fails to pass.

The American flag is the only flag that belongs on U.S. government buildings.

Read the full article here
