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Confused Dem. Sen. Feinstein, 90, Told ‘Just Say Aye’ After She Tried to Give Speech in Middle of Vote



Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), 90, suffered an embarrassing senior moment during a Senate vote on a defense appropriations bill Thursday, prompting staffers to correct her.

Amid a Senate Appropriations Committee roll call vote on a Defense Dept. budget increase, the Senate’s oldest serving member began to pontificate on her position rather than register her approval of the bill.

Sen. Feinstein was almost immediately informed by staffers to “just say aye” to affirm her decision, pleas which she ignored as she continued to explain the justification for her vote.

Democratic Sen. Patty Murray (Wash.) three times tried to instruct Feinstein to “Just say aye,” but the elderly senator continued reading her speech.

In a statement following the major faux pas, a spokesman for Feinstein explained she was confused by all the earlier happenings in the committee prior to the vote.

“Trying to complete all of the appropriations bills before recess, the committee markup this morning was a little chaotic, constantly switching back and forth between statements, votes, and debate and the order of bills,” the spokesperson said.

“The senator was preoccupied, didn’t realize debate had just ended and a vote was called… She started to give a statement, was informed it was a vote and then cast her vote.”

The incident being written off by the mainstream media as a simple mental hiccup comes as several Democrats in recent years have begun complaining about the elderly senator’s fading cognitive abilities, with over 60 liberal groups calling on her to resign.

The age-induced memory glitch follows an embarrassing public moment for another Senate member Wednesday, when Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to suffer a stroke mid-sentence while speaking to the press.

The events are being highlighted as examples of the need for age and term limits in Congress.

Meanwhile, as Sen. Feinstein’s retirement draws nearer, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is strategically positioning himself to secure her seat, and has already launched a campaign for the position when it becomes available next year.

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Read the full article here
