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British Labour leader, whatever his Green faults, flawlessly defines “WOMAN”



The head of the British Labour Party, and a fellow who is already metaphorically measuring the drapes on No. 10 Downing Street, has done something so incredible for these times – especially for an uber Left political organization – that it’s got people literally gasping in disbelief. Whether your gasp at Keir Starmer’s bold statement changes to outrage, hilarity, or approval depends on what camp you’ve placed your flag in for one of the defining and difficult questions of our time:


Sir Keir has opted to jump into a void with both feet where even SCOTUS nominees dare not tread (as they are not biologists) (I only play a biologist on HotAir). Whether he landed like Fred Astaire or with a thud depends on one’s point of view.

Whacha think?

A woman is “an adult female”, Sir Keir Starmer has said, as he confirms the Labour Party’s hardened stance on gender.

The Labour leader said he did not believe the policy of self-identification was “the right way forward”, and that he believed that “the principle of safe spaces is very important for women”.

The Labour leader had previously pledged to change the law to allow trans people to self-declare gender, reflecting the plans from SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon that were later blocked by Rishi Sunak.

He lands pretty lightly, even if he is a Keir-Come-Lately to the decision. In fact, he’s been SO wibbly-wobbly getting to the point, GB News was having a mirthful field day with the solemn announcement when it finally arrived.

I think the big story here is it’s a politician listening to the electorate!”

There were plenty of reminders of Sir Keir’s previous efforts to sidestep the “penis question” as they call it across the pond. And, holy moly, were they ever utterly cringe inducing. Even saying he wasn’t a biologist would have been preferable to babbling such patronizing weasel pablum.

…Sir Keir faced a backlash earlier this year after he claimed that 99.9 per cent of women do not have a penis – implying that one in a thousand women have male genitalia.

Screenshot The Times U.K.

…In 2021, he said it was ‘not right’ to say that only women have a cervix.

Screencap @whitload

I mean, come on, man! Those are going to be pretty hard waffles to whip cream over, and Sir Keir is not all that popular to begin with. The platforms and policies he has spent the past two years espousing are basically more radical versions of the very same overreaching government mandates that have driven Britain to its knees. People are finally voting no, and being vocal in their disgust with the country’s direction.

For example, Starmer wants to throw wind farms up willy-nilly, dispense with the complicated permitting process that delays projects and includes balancing the wind farm against sometimes significant objections from the communities where it is meant to be located. Sir Keir would do away with what little autonomy those burgs have left to themselves, and simply compensate them with rate breaks or whatever as a consolation prize. Riding roughshod over elected officials and homeowners in order to install the massive monsters wheresoever the government determines will win you no friends in the burbs.

He also wants to completely halt all North Sea oil and gas exploration, and not extend platform rigs and drilling which are already operational and pumping now. He’s sure his renewables will be up to snuff by then. You can imagine how happy the fossil fuel workers’ unions are with him.

There’s also the small matter of what they call ULEZ, which is the Ultra Low Emission Zone for London…at the moment. Due to expand even further from the city’s center next month, it’s where the city charges drivers heading into town based on the carbon footprint of their vehicle.

The ring of cameras trained on London’s roads to charge drivers of the most polluting vehicles 12.50 pounds ($16) a day is due to expand next month – and not everyone is happy about it.

If Mayor Sadiq Khan’s plan goes ahead, London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) will become one of the world’s largest to tackle air pollution, encompassing 5 million extra people in the capital’s leafier and less-connected outer boroughs.

If people in London hate it, people are fuming across England, because Labour wants to see it expanded through the country…

…even as they try to get Sadiq Khan to back off the extension for a little while to let things cool down.

Sadiq Khan is open to new ideas for mitigating the impact of the anti-pollution levy in London being expanded next month, but refusing to back down on the planned timing of its implementation.

Despite pressure from some in Labour for city hall to rethink the policy they believe lost the party the Uxbridge and South Ruislip byelection on Thursday, the mayor is determined for it to come into force.

That just cost the party what should have be a rock solid seat in a reliably Labour neighborhood and sent shockwaves through party hierarchy. A tiny bit of panic is setting in. Maybe people aren’t so hep for Green, yet?

And now Starmer’s gone and gotten the whackjob trans and alphabet activists mad at him, too. In what seems to everyone a pretty transparent effort to court normal voters whom Labour is losing by every other measure.


Who knew? Cripes, I mean, what isn’t a dog whistle to these lunatics?

I can’t imagine the frustrated, angry shredding of tutus happening at Pink headquarters and similar organizations. It’s one thing for your chosen party to hem and haw, but when the head of it finally comes out to make a cut and dry statement that runs counter to your entire reason for existence…what do you do?

Even as tardy or opportunistic as Starmer’s public assertion might be, he is still a major British political figure – who might well become Prime Minister – and this is a good day for WOMEN.

Now they can get to work on those stupid British hate laws for mis-gendering and pronouns.

Read the full article here
