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Valentine: The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud



Postal worker stuffs ballots into drop box in Detroit, Michigan in 2020. Via TGP

Guest post by Jay Valentine as reported at American Thinker

The difference between the Republican ballot operation and that of the leftists is that the leftists manufacture ballots, whereas Republicans only collect them.

Elections are for big stakes.  Pretty much everything is political, and thus, who controls the Legislature gets the goodies.

If you are a government pro, you live or die according to whether your team is in power.  You do what the pros do — you make sure you control your food source.

The laughable RNC “out-ballot-harvest the left” plan is one any sentient adult knows cannot work.  That of course leaves out Republican state operatives, for whom hope exceeds common sense.

Leftists learned early that running out of ballots to cast on election day is like running out of beer on July 4.  They took that lesson and improvised in ingenious ways.

Ballot-manufacturing appears pretty easy at first but has lots of little complexities.  Mastering those complexities gives our leftist pals unlimited numbers of ballots to handle any surging MAGA candidate.

Manufacturing ballots requires two ingredients: an address and a person.

On the person side, leftists do all the obvious stuff: register college kids in droves, do voter drives in homeless shelters where vagrants come in and out, build apps and pay anyone who will sign up a few dozen new voters (Wisconsin) with no regard to whether these are eligible voters.

With these and scores of other techniques, the inventory of names aggregates.

That burgeoning list is permanent — voter integrity teams in most states report they cannot get many of these people off voter rolls even when they prove that those people are long gone.  Leftists control most of the voter commission apparatus, so that inventory remains safe.

Try to get those names off the voter list, and you will be attacked by leftist press, threatened by the Justice Department, or doxed on social media.

The other ingredient for ballot-manufacturing is the address.

Addresses and voters have fundamentally different characteristics.

Addresses can be misspelled in innumerable ways yet still be considered correct.  Addresses do not move — they are a plot of dirt with a number.   Addresses do not have lawyers, and they do not have 40 years of leftist court opinions to protect someone challenging their authenticity.

Addresses cannot be manufactured.  Voters can.

Leftists can create all the voters they want from homeless shelter lists, but they face a constraint: every voter must tie to an address.  It is this constraint — fixed addresses — that is the Achilles heel for mail-in voter fraud.

Addresses conveniently have the world’s singularly most accurate, current database maintained in every county in America — the real estate property tax record.  These records are consulted daily by real estate agents doing comps.  Tax authorities review them monthly, ensuring they squeeze every dollar from the citizen for any improvement.

Addresses, dear reader, are the key to stopping ballot-manufacturing.

Addresses have not been analyzed at scale in granular detail — down to the square footage, the number of bedrooms, baths, year built — because the tools to do so were not there.  They are now.

The Fractal team was asked by some state legislatures to compare voter rolls with real estate tax rolls.  They couldn’t do it themselves — they did not have the compute power — in a major state.  That is why it has never been done before.

Two adjacent counties may report similar real estate data in different fields.  Each county may use different nomenclature for the same record.  Records are stored in relational databases with the address field broken into multiple segments — almost impossible to easily resurrect in real time with traditional tech.

These systems were built to be accessed one file at a time, not comparing the entire database with another.

Comparing detailed property tax records — think 120 columns of info — against voter files lights up where a ballot will be mailed but not meet an eligible voter.

This week, the Fractal team ran a test.  We used current relational SQL technology, of which we are masters, and Fractal to ingest the property tax roll for a major county.  The Fractal system was able to finish in hours — with a real-time system giving answers in seconds.  After several days, the SQL team reported the originating data from the county — in a SQL relational file — was so complicated that it would take them several weeks to prepare for real-time retrieval.

We were also able to project response times.  The property tax records with Fractal were instantaneous.  With SQL, complete database comparisons would take days, perhaps a full week.

Leftists continue to pad voter rolls with vagrants and other transients, but they must tie them to an address.  That is a pretty hard card to hide.

When voters are added to large apartment buildings, leftists cannot add the apartment number, or the legit resident will probably get that ballot.  The trick is to mail the ballot to the main address, where it collects, and the Postal Service retrieves it for the bad guys.

Another strategy is to create an address.  126 Chestnut Street and 130 Chestnut street are contiguous properties.  Our leftists create 128 Chestnut, which does not exist, and will generate a floating ballot.

Often, college dorms are used to send thousands of ballots to students who left years ago.  We recounted many stories about 106-year-old voters in frat houses still casting a ballot.

Then there are the construction sites, where leftists have 224 registered voters in an apartment building — under construction.  No roof, no walls, no electricity, but 224 solid votes.

In Florida, our leftist pals created an entire fake street — then moved real voters there — and when ballots were sent out, they accumulated.  Innovation!  Never ceases to impress!

These and hundreds of other schemes fail in a single click when the real-time real estate property rolls come into play.  With that one click, one can see every address that does not exist in the property roll — yet has voters.

Another click shows every apartment building, compared with every voter record, kicking out the list, by street, of every person without that unit number — thus ineligible.

One more click, and every voter registered at a location with more than four people per 500 square feet of living space — thus challenging the county health regs — pops out.

What we have here is something of true beauty: one government database showing the nonsense in another government database.  When leftists say “show me the fraud,” one needs only to do one click — “voters who voted in 2022, who the government tax records note are ineligible.”

In 2024, the leftists are pulling out all the stops.  Hundreds of thousands of American voters will wake up in the 90 days before the election with strangers living in their homes, apartment buildings, the local 7-11, or the vacant field.  Those are the Trump anti-votes.

The difference between 2020 and 2024 is that they will become visible months before the election.  They will be challenged the week they register.  Press conferences will be held on that construction site lawn, next to the cement mixer, noting that this address houses “224 real voters.”

Dare the Justice Department to intervene — the real estate tax rolls are challenging an address, not a person.  Meet the Undeliverable Ballot Database™.

Now that Fractal makes every address in any county visible, across every of those 120 or more columns, and compares them with voter rolls in seconds, from a phone, our 2024 pal Achilles may find us grabbing him by the heel — or maybe somewhere where it hurts even more!

Jay Valentine runs Omega4America, collaborating with state legislators to compare voter rolls with real estate rolls.  Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine and the TSA No-Fly List.  Jay’s team delivered the Undeliverable Ballot Database.  Jay can be reached at and on Twitter at AmericaOme17300.

Read the full article here
