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Corrupt Fulton County District Attorney Uses President Trump’s Grand Jury to Raise Funds for Her Campaign, Gain Twitter Followers



On July 19th, President Trump’s attorney’s filed an amendment to a petition in a move to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the on-going witch hunt in Georgia’s Fulton County.  The amendment was made to a July 13th petition for writs of mandamus and prohibition that would vindicate breaches of President Trump’s rights.

In the amendment to the petition, President Trump’s attorneys allege that District Attorney Fani Willis has utilized her position and investigation into President Trump to raise campaign funds and garner followers on Twitter.

Previously, Trump attorneys had urged the District Attorney’s disqualification, but the special purpose grand jury had been dissolved by that time and Willis asserted that it was “untimely.”  But now, these campaign issues are front and center again as a regular grand jury was empaneled last week and Willis has indicated publicly she is seeking an indictment of President Trump.

President Trump’s attorneys provided evidence that “the district attorney personally retweeted requests for followers and campaign donations which referenced her prosecution of this investigation.”   As a result, “her followers [grew] 100-fold (from a couple thousand to one-hundred thousand) in a matter of days” and “her campaign gained most of its 2022 donations as a result of those efforts.

In 2022, her campaign disclosure report showed she received 737 donations, 533 of which “came in the days immediately following her retweeting requests for donations and followers in light of this investigation, which Petitioner (Trump) highlighted in his original motion.

Furthermore, of those donations, only 8% were from Georgians while the remaining 92% were from 45 other states.  Pretty good for a single-county circuit District Attorney.

Attorney’s for Trump also provided a political cartoon that was retweeted by Willis depicting President Trump negatively:

What’s more, she retweeted a political cartoon depicting Petitioner in a negative light.  For a District Attorney to personally request donations and followers based on the prosecution or investigation of one named individual, especially when it heightens public condemnation of the accused, is clear evidence of conflict.  The District Attorney’s desire to fund her reelection incentivizes her to pursue Petitioner more aggressively than she otherwise might.

Previously, Willis hosted a fundraiser for a target’s (President Trump) political opponent (Joe Biden), which constituted an actual conflict.  The fundraiser drew scrutiny from the Judge according to CNN.

The District Attorney is indeed laboring under an actual conflict in the regular grand jury proceedings. The Respondent Superior Court Judge already found that the District Attorney’s having hosted a fundraiser for a target’s political opponent constituted an actual conflict. Thus, “there
[was] a significant risk that … [her] duties to … a third person [would] materially and adversely affect” her duty to impartially seek justice in the case underlying this petition. Ga. R. Professional Conduct 1.7(a). That was and is enough to require her disqualification under Young.

Nothing to see here:  just a District Attorney admitting to seeking the prosecution of a former President and the front-runner for the Republican nomination while simultaneously hosting a fund-raiser for his political opponent.

Are you kidding me?  Banana Republic…Kangaroo Court…Stalin’s USSR…take your pick.


Read the full article here
