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Same Globalist International “Court” Linked To Trump Indictment Has Warrant Out For Putin’s Arrest



The International Criminal Court of Justice (ICC) in the Hague, Netherlands, which describes itself as the “principal judicial organ of the United Nations,” is doing the bidding of the panicked global elite by trying to arrest both U.S. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Jack Smith, the “independent” special counsel investigating Donald Trump on behalf of Joe Biden, served as a UN war crimes prosecutor at the ICC for seven years.

During his time at the ICC, Smith served as the chief prosecutor where he investigated war crimes committed during the Kosovo War.

That means Smith played a lead role in the same UN-run court that ignores real war crimes across the globe while trying to punish and jail the globalists’ opposition.

Now, the UN stooge has been brought in to go after Donald Trump in one of the most corrupt and unprecedented investigations of all time.

As Alex Jones reported earlier this month, Smith has a record of having his high-profile prosecutions overturned because they’re so insane and illegal.

In 2010, as chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section, Smith was criticized after he recommended closing several investigations into certain members of Congress.

Smith also screwed up the prosecution of a man named Ronell Wilson, who was sentenced to death for shooting a pair of New York police detectives in the backs of their heads in 2003, because a court ruled Smith violated Wilson’s rights by telling the jury his decision to invoke the 5th Amendment suggested he didn’t show remorse for the murders.

With the United States refusing to participate in the ICC as it would override the Constitution and give jurisdiction to the unelected UN bureaucrats, it’s peculiar we’d allow a globalist prosecutor to head such a high-profile case as Trump’s.

Since the court does not conduct trials in absentia, wanted individuals would have to be handed over by their governments or captured in an ICC-friendly nation.

While the UN minion Smith chases after Trump, the ICC is also focused on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The ICC issued an arrest warrant for Putin and Russian official Maria Lvova-Belova in March for allegedly deporting Ukrainian children to Russia during the ongoing war between the nations.

In response to the charges, a Kremlin spokesperson said at the time, “We consider the very posing of the question outrageous and unacceptable. Russia, like a number of states, does not recognize the jurisdiction of this court and, accordingly, any decisions of this kind are null and void for the Russian Federation from the point of view of law.”

Now, it’s being reported Putin will not be attending the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa in August as there is speculation as to whether or not the African nation would give Putin over to the court.

As a signatory to the ICC’s Rome statute, South Africa is supposed to cooperate with the Hague and arrest those indicted by the court.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has distanced himself from claims he’d allow Putin to be arrested in his nation.

According to a court document, Ramaphosa said, “I must highlight, for the sake of transparency, that South Africa has obvious problems with executing a request to arrest and surrender President Putin. Russia has made it clear that arresting its sitting president would be a declaration of war. It would be inconsistent with our Constitution to risk engaging in war with Russia.”

It’s apparent the globalists are worried populist leaders like Trump and Putin could potentially derail their nefarious anti-human agenda.

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