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Mexico Finds Hundreds of Drugged Migrants in Abandoned Trailer



Mexican authorities found more than 200 Central American migrants who had been drugged by human smugglers and abandoned inside a locked trailer last week.

The shocking discovery was made on Saturday night in Cardel, a city in the state of Veracruz.

Officers inspecting a cargo trailer left on a roadside located 206 foreign nationals suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion, according to the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM).

The migrants said they had been given drugs to inhibit their need to go to the bathroom before the journey.

The trailer had been modified to accommodate a ‘second story’ inside and the interior was lined with materials designed to thwart x-ray detection.

“According to the official count of the National Institute of Migration, it was confirmed that 132 migrants were traveling in family nuclei and were originally from Guatemala; as well as three more families with 12 people from Honduras, for a total of 144 Central Americans,” INM explained in a press release.

“Similarly, 39 adults traveling alone were identified, including four women and 35 men, as well as 20 minors (15 boys and five girls), of Guatemalan nationality; in addition to three adults from Honduras, for a total of 62 foreigners.”

The driver was not located and control of the vehicle was assumed the Mexican government.

In the days prior, 303 migrants were apprehended in Mexico under similar circumstances during two separate incidents.

Authorities in Mexico and the U.S. frequently find trailers packed with migrants, some of whom don’t survive the perilous journey.

Last summer, 53 migrants perished inside a tractor-trailer that was abandoned in Texas.

We must not allow our emotions to blind us from logic and reason.

Dan Lyman on Gab

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